Electronic Voting

Arizona lawmakers call for audit of Dominion machines

Arizona lawmakers call for audit of Dominion
machines 1

A 2020 presidential ballot featuring President Donald J. Trump against Joe Biden (Photo by Joe Kovacs)

Officials in three states have discussed, or have been pressured to consider, asserting their constitutional authority to select the electors to the Electoral College without being bound by the popular vote.

Now lawmakers in one of those states, Arizona, are calling for an independent audit of the Dominion software and electronic voting equipment used by Maricopa County in the 2020 general election.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and House Speaker Russell Bowers were joined in the request by incoming Senate Government Chair Michelle Ugenti-Rita and House Majority Leader Warren Petersen.

“As a longtime advocate for improving and modernizing our election system, I am pleased to learn that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is supportive of conducting an independent audit of their voting software and equipment,” said Sen. Ugenti-Rita. “It is important we maintain all of the voting public’s confidence in our elections and this is a positive first step in the right direction.”

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Petersen added: “A significant number of voters believe that fraud occurred and with the number of irregularities it is easy to understand why. Especially concerning are the allegations made surrounding the vendor Dominion. It is imperative that the county immediately do a forensic audit on the Dominion software and equipment to make sure the results were accurate.”

Should Dominion machines be audited?

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Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem previously discussed the idea of legislators asserting their constitutional authority to choose electors to the Electoral College.

He has now declared that he believes Gov. Doug Ducek signed a “fraudulent document,” and he is “requesting we recall Arizona’s certification.”

WND previously reported officials in Arizona and Pennsylvania have considered clawing back their authority to name electors. Officials in Georgia have been under pressure to do the same. The three states are among the swing states that this year reported highly unusual election results, with President Trump holding significant margins of victory when the polls closed.

Over the subsequent days, huge vote “dumps” with up to 95% of the votes for Joe Biden, were added to the totals.

Should the results of as few as three states be reversed, it would assure Trump of a second term.

Several constitutional experts have pointed out that state lawmakers have great latitude in determining their electors, and for whom they vote, if they have evidence of vote fraud or other misbehavior.

Concerns include not only the Dominion electronic voting machines and software but also mass, mail-in balloting procedures in Pennsylvania that violated the law.

WND reported two constitutional-law experts, William J. Olson and Patrick M. McSweeney, have explained that Republican-controlled state legislatures that the authority to appoint slates of Republican electors to the Electoral College if the voters chose the Democratic candidate.

That could happen if there is evidence of fraud and other remedies are not available.

“During the 2020 presidential election, many of the so-called swing states, including Arizona, saw unprecedented – and unlawful – erosions of procedural safeguards as well as administration irregularities on Election Day,” the constitutional experts have explained. “People deserve an honest accounting of who won. … With respect to identifying and remediating fraudulent or mistaken results, it is now or never, whatever can be done must be done.

“Legislators who want to carefully examine the election process, and take action if significant election fraud is found, would be simply giving effect to the vote of the people, not denying it.”


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