Because of President Trump’s America First agenda, his supporters are remaking the Republican party a little bit at a time with the help of author Dan Schultz, who instructs people how to become neighborhood team leaders or Precinct Committeemen.
This week was an interesting development in Legislative District 15 in Arizona, where there were so many ‘American Firsters’ who have recently joined the AZGOP who are fans of Schultz’s book, that they have run for office and driven some old-timers out, creating an ‘America First’ voting majority in the Republican party there.
Here is the resignation letter from the old-timers, who, according to their letter, do not like the idea of the new ‘America First’ Committeemen:
Dear Member,
Regrettably, we must inform you that all members of the LD15 Board are resigning their positions effective June 1, 2021. This Board has successfully worked to provide quality meetings in an appropriate facility with content usable for our fellow precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen to engage their neighbors. Each Board member faces personal circumstances that make carrying out their volunteer duties on the Board difficult. It is true that part of that difficulty is the increasingly antagonistic environment that has been created by new membership that prevents us from fully serving ALL members of the Republican Party within LD15. We remain dedicated to the traditional ideals of the Party and appreciate the opportunity to serve.
Derrik Rochwalik
Brian Hummell
Cori Bower
Chris Smith
Jack Clark
An eyewitness, who supplied the letter to Schultz told him that the people who took over were fans of the Committeeman Project Strategy and that ” on Tuesday night the RINO officers resigned en masse, and said they don’t like the new people.”
Schultz’s project has been around for a few years and it making some real impact the last few months with his recent appearances and news coverage.
As with all political parties after the loss of the Oval Office, Arizona’s GOP is no different. According to the numbers recently released by the Secretary of State’s Office, the GOP is growing, and that growth has unsettled some of the more established members.
A recent exodus by the heads of Legislative District 15 is one such example of how the new blood is shaking out the old.
Legislative District 15, a primarily upper-middle-class area that includes parts of Scottsdale and Paradise Valley, has long been a bastion of what the grassroots refer to as “the establishment.” President Donald Trump changed the old dynamic, and while many members of “the establishment” welcomed the change, the hardcore neocon faction of the GOP, sometimes referred to as the ‘McCain Machine, did not.
According to Schultz, after the August 2020 primary, LD 15 only had 38% of its Precinct Committeeman slots filled. Currently, about 41% are filled. That much was too much for the board members to tolerate.
The eyewitness told Schultz that virtually all of the new people are there because his activism, appearances and book on the tactics of how to remake the Republican party to work for America.