Arizona Audit To FINISH Paper Recount TOMORROW – They Need The ROUTERS

Arizona Audit To FINISH Paper Recount TOMORROW – They Need

On Monday, the Arizona audit continued with the third paper recount, the Cast Vote Record analysis, and other accountability procedures.

Audit Spokesman Randy Pullen previously told The Gateway Pundit that they are able to count a box of ballots in less than five minutes and that this process would be finished by Wednesday this week. This process does not tabulate votes. It only counts the number of ballots.

AZ Audit – Recount FINISHES Next Week: Whats Next? JAIL THE SUPERVISORS?!

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Today, Randy Pullen said they will likely finish counting on Tuesday. By Friday the audit team is expected to start evacuating the Wesley Bolin Building.

The volunteers will count during another night shift tonight and they expect to have only four pallets left on Tuesday.

The final report is expected some time in mid-August but they still need the routers, logs, and system keys in order to complete a full forensic audit and ensure that the voting machines weren’t tampered with.

The recent Arizona Senate hearing revealed worst in class IT security practices and bizarre discrepancies that the County refuses to provide answers to.

Cyber Ninjas Found So Many Issues with the Voting Machines and Processes in Maricopa County It’s a Wonder the Previous Auditors Didn’t Find These Issues Too

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has seen enough to know that this was a fraudulent election and she is already calling for decertification.

The routers and passkeys will show us what happened internally but the proof is in the numbers. This extra recount will verify that the ballot totals do not match up with the certified total as expected.

Steve Bannon recently reported that the delta is holding.

Latest from AZ — Steve Bannon: “Delta between Hard Ballots and Recorded Votes Is Holding – Count Should Be Out Next Week” (Video)

Once we have this evidence of a fraudulently certified total, this will give the Senate more leverage to go to court and enforce the subpoenas for the routers.

Until then, supporters of election transparency need to call their State Legislators and demand they support a resolution to hold the Maricopa County Supervisors in contempt for noncompliance.

Were it not for the county’s interference, this investigation would be completed. Who really controls these people?

Paul Boyer: (602) 693-3989, 602-926-4173 Email:

Michelle Ugenti-Rita: (602) 926-4480 Email:

Maricopa County will not get away with their obstruction.

Read the Full Article

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