
ARIZONA: Governor Candidate Kari Lake Joins American Airlines Vaccine Mandate Protest: ‘We Demand Our Medical Freedom’

ARIZONA: Governor Candidate Kari Lake Joins American
Airlines Vaccine Mandate Protest: ‘We Demand Our Medical
Freedom’ 1

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, who is running to become the Republican nominee to replace anti-Trump Republican Doug Ducey, was interviewed by The Gateway Pundit while attending a protest organized by American Airlines employees who are opposed to the airline’s controversial COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

“This is great, these are employees of American Airlines,” said Lake, “They are protesting the mandates that are being forced on them, to get a vaccine. Many of these people working here don’t want their bosses telling them what they need to do medically.”

Lake added, “They don’t want to get a vaccine, they should have the option. The last I heard we’re still a free country, and when you see what’s happening, sometimes you worry that we’re losing those freedoms,” she added. “We certainly are.”

When asked about current Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who became the focus of national scrutiny when he repeatedly contradicted President Donald Trump during the fallout after the 2020 election and was ultimately proved wrong by the Arizona Audit, Lake said that the embattled Republican should call a legislative session to “end this tyranny” and decertify the 2020 election.

“Doug Ducey should be out here today. Why is he not out here? The only good excuse is if he’s down at the Capitol, calling back our legislators to pass some laws to end this tyranny,” said Lake. “We demand our medical freedom and we demand our medical privacy,” she declared, “And we need our governor, right now, to step in and help these Arizona families.”

Gesturing toward the crowd of protesters, Lake explained, “These men and women here are facing the real threat of losing their jobs if they don’t get the vaccine, and that’s wrong.”

“They need to be able to make a living, they’re not asking for a lot,” said the candidate. “They want to put food on the table and they need our lawmakers to step in and do the right thing.”

“I’m so inspired by these people,” added Lake. “I’m sensing that the spirit of our Founding Fathers is alive and well in this country.” Lake then warned, “We can’t lose this country, we can’t lose our freedoms.

“We are the last bastion of freedom on the planet and it’s so important that we all rise up, come together as Americans, and save this country.”

When asked about the urge to call a legislative session to decertify the election, something proposed by Arizona legislators including Wendy Rogers and Mark Finchem as well as President Trump, Lake said that the governor should “Call the special session, deal with the mandates, and then decertify the election.”

The Arizona Republican primary is set to occur on August 2, 2022. Lake currently faces a crowded field, but has the benefit of an endorsement from President Trump.

Lake, who had a successful career in broadcasting before declaring her candidacy for Arizona governor, was described by President Trump as a “highly respected” local television anchor. He added, “Because of this, few can take on the Fake News Media like Kari.”

Of the endorsement, Lake wrote that “President Trump showed us that you don’t need to be a politician to become a governor, congressman, senator, even the President of the United States.” Lake added, “You need to have passion [and] love for your country [and] the people in your community.”

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