
Arizona Senate Needs to Perform a Comprehensive Review of 2020 Election Ballots of Maricopa Country — Here’s a List of State Senators to Contact!

Arizona Senate Needs to Perform a Comprehensive Review of
2020 Election Ballots of Maricopa Country — Here’s a List of State
Senators to Contact! 1

The people of Arizona have spoken and have made it clear that they want a thorough review of the results of the 2020 election in their state and in particular Maricopa County. 

Has the Arizona Senate really heard their call?

** Please encourage the Senators in Arizona to ensure all the ballots in Maricopa County are forensically reviewed to determine their validity.  This really must be done.  Here is a list of Arizona Senators to contact.

Big Media won’t report it.  Big Tech will censor you if you report it.  The DOJ won’t prosecute it, in part because the FBI won’t investigate it, but ELECTION FRAUD WAS RAMPANT ACROSS THE COUNTRY IN THE 2020 ELECTION.

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Americans are livid and want to get to the bottom of it.  They want to know the truth about the results from the 2020 election but the politicians won’t give it to them.

In Arizona for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in that large and important county.  The Board members claim everything was fine but they won’t allow anyone to get close to their results.  They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally came to a conclusion on the election results.

Finally, the Board of Supervisors relented, after suing the Senate in an effort to prevent a competent audit, and said that there could be an audit if performed by auditors of THEIR choice.  They claimed the two firms they selected were EAC certified but they weren’t.  These same firms are the firms that certified the controversial Dominion voting systems around the country before and after the election.

WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

Last week the Senate reported – ENOUGH.  They would select auditors to perform the audit of the county themselves.  They have a right to do it and they will.  The AP Reported:

The Republican leader of the Arizona Senate announced Friday that she has hired an independent auditor to scour election results in Maricopa County, where supervisors voted earlier in the week to hire two firms to audit election equipment and software used in last November’s election.

The move comes after the county refused to allow the Senate access to election equipment, copies of ballots and other materials under a subpoena issued by lawmakers, some of whom continue to question whether Democratic President Joe Biden won.

Senate President Karen Fann said in a statement that the auditor will be tasked with doing an audit much larger in scope than the county intends.

“We must bring back confidence that the election results reported are how votes were legally cast,” Fann said. “The Senate’s forensic audit will bring accuracy and detail to the process, and with that restore integrity to the election process.”

The county said supervisors respect the Senate’s right to hire its own auditors to review material the county has already provided. Still, the county plans to move ahead with the hiring of the two firms to audit election equipment and software. The firms are the only ones in the nation certified to examine the equipment.

“If the source code from our tabulation equipment is exposed and posted online, that could jeopardize the integrity of voting systems across the country,” the county said in a statement issued by spokesman Fields Moseley. “Therefore, the county prefers to use these companies.”

Of course, the Maricopa Board’s response is the opposite of the truth.  The source code for election voting machines should be open source, not hidden.  Individuals should be able to review and identify openings that should be fixed.  By withholding this information from the public the voting machine companies indicate that they are hiding something.

We don’t know the firm or firms selected to perform the audits in the county by the Senate.  One firm thought to be considered is a firm related to Colonel Phil Waldron who presented a couple of months ago on the voting systems being used in the state.  His team no doubt can do an excellent job on the workings of the machines and determine if they do comply with standards set in the industry.  His forensic audit will no doubt far surpass the audit work by the two firms who were said to be certified by the Board of Supervisors.

But this still will leave open the question of how many total ballots were fraudulent as a result of the identified failings in the systems.  Here is where the work of inventor Jovan Pulitzer would be best provided.  Pulitzer has a process and the patents surrounding the process where he can identify fraudulent ballots based on the paper used, creases in the paper, the ink on the forms and other characteristics.  Pulitzer can identify fraudulent votes which then will ultimately result in the accurate results of the 2020 election when these votes are accounted for.

Pulitzer explained his process in Georgia previously:

Experts of the data in Maricopa county estimate that more than 100,000 fraudulent ballots may have been counted in the county in this election (of course nearly all are suspected of going to Joe Biden):

BREAKING: Arizona Patriots Identify Between 160,000 to 400,000 ‘Phantom’ Ballots In Their State 2020 Election Results

** Please encourage the Senators in Arizona to ensure all the ballots in Maricopa County are forensically reviewed to determine their validity.  This really must be done.  Here is a list of Arizona Senators to contact.

These Senators need to know the American people want a full and fair audit of results from 2020 to ensure fair and free elections into the future.

The Arizona Senate is doing more than any other states currently to address the people’s number one concern – what are the true results of the 2020 election. Please encourage them to ensure all the ballots are reviewed in Maricopa County through a legitimate, comprehensive and accurate forensic audit.

Read the Full Article

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