The Arizona audit is performing its final phase of a 3rd recount to recheck the accuracy of ballot totals, AGAIN.
This process does not tabulate votes. It only counts the total number of ballots.
They are auditing their own numbers now in preparation for a historic legal battle.
The Gateway Pundit reported that stacks of ballots are aligned in the paper jogger then counted twice with the paper counting machine.
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Randy Pullen told TGP that a batch of ballots is counted then compared to the hand-count sheet for that batch. If the numbers agree, then it is accurate.
If the machine gives a different number, the batch is rotated so that another corner may be counted to ensure an accurate total is produced.
They are counting each batch of roughly 200 ballots at a time. A batch takes less than a minute to analyze. A box of about seven batches takes less than five minutes to count. There are over 30 boxes on each pallet. Livestream: July 21, 11:54 PM
17 pallets have been completely recounted and volunteers started two more during the night shift which ends at 12 AM.
Audit officials spent days calibrating the machines and conducting test counts before using them. These machines have been certified to be accurate.
The Gateway Pundit reported that, according to Steve Bannon, former Chief Strategist for President Trump, the Arizona audit numbers are holding up in this final hand recount taking place this week at the counting center.
Randy Pullen said that we can expect this phase of the audit to be completed by next Wednesday.
What is next?
Pullen: If there is a difference in the count, there is going to have to be more analysis of the CVR (cast vote record).
What about the subpoenas?
We still need answers for the anomalies and discrepancies presented by audit officials at last week’s Senate hearing.
Who ran a script that produced 37,646 queries looking for blank passwords on a system with only eight user accounts?
Subpoenas for the routers, passwords, and Splunk logs, needed to complete the forensic analysis and answer the questions have been ignored.
The county refuses to cooperate with this investigation. Instead, they tweet jabs and unsubstantiated claims.
We already know that the certified total was not accurate.
What else are they hiding?
On Tuesday, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers said, “We have to hold the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors accountable to include possibly sending them to jail.”
Is this the next step when we discover a significant delta in the number of certified ballots versus actual ballots?
Will the Senate use this evidence to arrest the County Supervisors, hold them in contempt, and issue a criminal subpoena?
This wasn’t an accident or a mistake. It was a pattern of criminal activity and the cover-up is worse than the crime.
This is the crime of the century.