On Tuesday, Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli released a statement in response to worries that Arizona Senate Adjournment would lead to a delay in the Senate’s receipt of Arizona’s audit results.
State Senator Borelli reassures Arizona voters that the Senate will act immediately upon receiving the audit findings. Previously, TGP reported that the Senate’s adjournment would lead to a huge delay in making a decision based on the results. Borelli shared:
The Legislature’s investigative authority does not end at Adjorn, Sine Die. Case in point, on December 14, 2020, The Senate Judiciary Comittee held a hearing concerning Election Integrity (the Legislature was not in session). Resulting in a subpoena being issued and served on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The significant action started the Senate Audit of the Maricopa County Election Department 2020 Election.
When the full forensic Audit is completed, the findings and results will be presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee (whether we are in Legislative session or not). At that time, the Senate will proceed to determine which actions need to be addressed.
Keep in mind, from the beginning that the audit has been under constant attack, by the vast leftwing media and the democrat party, to discredit the audit and process.
We are anticipating a barrage of continued litigation to block the Senate from obtaining essential data and documents that will hinder the results of the audit.
More to the point of Sine Die. ALL the Legislation such as: 2nd Amendment protections, Election Integrity, Education, Economic Development Bills, etc. that has been passed and signed into law DOES NOT become effective until 90 days after the Legislature Officially adjourn, Sine Die
Rest assured, the Arizona Senate will take all necessary steps to ensure elections in Arizona are protected, to include the 2020 and 2022.
Sen. Borelli is on top of it, keeping constituents updated on the historic Arizona Audit process.