BIDEN: 'It's About Who Gets To Count The Vote, And Whether Your Vote Counts At All'

BIDEN: 'It's About Who Gets To Count The Vote, And Whether
Your Vote Counts At All' 1

Democrat president Joe Biden stated “It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all” during a speech attacking election integrity laws on Wednesday night.

Biden floated election conspiracy theories that cast doubt on the democratic election process that has been confirmed as secure by many experts, invoking a purported  “sinister combination of voter suppression and elecsive [sic] subversion.”

“We have to focus on the single most sacred right we have,” Biden said, before leaning in close to the microphone and snarling, “The right to vote. The right to vote.”

Biden continued, “Today the right to vote and the [unintelligible] un-un-unrelenting assault from Republican governors, Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State, state legislators. They’re following my predecessor deep into the abyss.”

“The struggle’s no longer just who gets to vote, or making it easier for eligible people to vote, it’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all,” Biden concluded. “It’s a sinister combination of voter suppression and elecsive [sic] subversion.”

Biden recently traveled to Mayfield, Kentucky, where he was called a “pedophile” by a woman in the crowd:

Democrat president Joe Biden was confronted by a woman who called him a “pedophile” and demanded “Where are the children?” during a stop in Mayfield, Kentucky on Wednesday. The highly unpopular POTUS received a negative reception from the local populace.

Video footage from FreedomNews.TV shows a woman repeatedly calling Biden a “pedophile” and asking him “Where they at, where are the children? Where are they?” as he interacts with the crowd.

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