BOSTON—Leo Higgins had many reasons to demonstrate on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2020. He joined a Stop the Steal rally in Boston to call for fair and free elections, as well as national sovereignty.
“We’ve got a lot of things going on here: Not only do we want the right person to win who actually won the election, which is just simple fairness, but it’s bigger than just Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not the do all, be all, end all, he’s just an key link in the chain,” Higgins said.
Higgins said that “the United States of America, warts and all” is still the only thing left in the world that has the “function and ability” to do something positive and constructive.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans want the United States to be completely globalized, Higgins said. “The fundamental structure of our country, the fundamental way of life we all have here is going to be, shall we say, irreversibly damaged if not destroyed,” he said.
“That’s why I’m here. Also to see justice for Donald Trump,” said Higgins, who is not satisfied with how the votes have been counted nor how the projections have been reported on in the media, and wants his and other legitimate votes to matter.
“Trump shows up anywhere and he gets thousand and thousands [of people],” Higgins said, comparing it to the lack of support he’s seen for Joe Biden’s campaign in past months. “That may not be a scientific poll, but there’s a certain amount of legitimacy in making those comparisons, in saying that kind of ratio should be elsewhere all around the country, not just in these rallies but in polling places. That’s why I’m here, simple justice.”
“I have great trepidation for this country as to what might happen next when you energize 72, 73, or 75 million people who feel like they’ve had everything they’ve taken away from them,” he said.