BREAKING: Biden Praises ‘Remarkable’ Democrat Officials For Changing Voting Rules Prior To 2020 Election

BREAKING: Biden Praises ‘Remarkable’ Democrat Officials For
Changing Voting Rules Prior To 2020 Election 1

During a rant against voter integrity laws on Tuesday, Democrat president Joe Biden congratulated elected officials who changed voter and election laws ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Many such rule changes prior to the 2020 election have been heavily disputed and made the subject of large-scale lawsuits.

“America, America, Americans of every background voted,” Biden stuttered. “They voted for good jobs and higher wages. They voted for racial equity and justice. They voted to make healthcare a right and not a privilege, and the reason Americans went to vote and the lengths they went to vote, to be able to vote, in this past election, were absolutely extraordinary.”

Biden continued, “In fact, “The fact that so many election officials across the country made it easier and safer for them to be able to vote in the middle of a pandemic was remarkable. As a result, in 2020, more people voted in America than ever, ever in the history of America, in the middle of a once in ca entury pandemic.” The Democrat President went on to hyperbolize that opponents in his regime were like Confederates in the Civil War, insisting “that’s not hyperbole.”

Pennsylvania is the most recent state to open an investigation into controversial election rule changes made shortly before the 2020 election. The push for a forensic audit is being led by State Sen. Doug Mastriano, as reported by National File:

He also slammed the Department of State, which he wrote “repeatedly altered the manner in which Pennsylvania’s election was conducted” and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which “hours before the polls opened on November 3” ultimately “changed the rules again by providing late guidance on how to help voters whose mail-in or absentee ballots were incorrectly completed.

“It would defy logic to assume that an election with the kinds of drastic changes we saw in 2020 was run perfectly with zero errors or fraud,” Mastriano added. “The people of our Commonwealth should have confidence that their vote counts. It takes accountability and transparency to ensure that our elections are free and fair.”

It remains unclear why Biden would publicly praise officials whose conduct in changing election rules is currently the subject of several high-profile national investigations.

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