
Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In Georgia Schools (Video)

Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In
Georgia Schools (Video) 1

This is a DEEPLY disturbing episode and is NOT suitable for young minds. However, as parents and Warriors protecting our children, we MUST know what is going on around us. This particular incident is going on in the State of Georgia in Bryan County. The schools are assigning children to create a business plan to eat human babies a la Jeffrey Dahmer.

Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In
Georgia Schools (Video) 2

Articles, links, videos and additional resources provided by Lynne.

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The Protect Student Health GA Facebook page:

The image from that page, dated 10/9/21:

Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In
Georgia Schools (Video) 3

The Gutenburg Project’s ebooklet of Dr. Swift’s (A Modest Proposal):

Dahmer’s childhood friend’s book on Amazon:

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The ‘collector’s comic book’ of Dahmer, also from Amazon:

Link to Richmond Hill High School (GA):

The school’s English Dept:

The Dahmer Business Model assignment:

Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In
Georgia Schools (Video) 4

The cycle of mass distribution and targets:

Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In
Georgia Schools (Video) 5
(*Note: the image is hard to read, so here’s the text for each section. Mass production: “For mass production we would encourage that the US government (to) create a business negotiation with China about (illegible) reduce their population by donation their children to the government. We plan to take all children from orphanages and foster care to the processing plant.” Distribution states the the meat would be processed much like beef jerky so that it doesn’t spoil and can be preserved longer. The business of this student group has titled their model “Dahmer’s Mini Camp: You are what you eat”. Lastly, the Target Market is ‘low income/poverty areas and countries’.)

The “Plan B” image:

Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In
Georgia Schools (Video) 6

Our archived interview where we exposed the Family Watch International’s ties to the UN via the UN Family Rights Caucus:

Not in my article, but definitely related:

Artificial Intelligence’s use of the cannibalism aspect with missionaries and native people:
(How this ties to education is through all the coding courses available to ALL ages/school choices)

That can be tied back to the Computer Science for All initiatives from both Presidents Obama and Trump.

An example of AI’s use of games to promote suicide over cannibalism from China:
(This is also seen in the US, in education via the SEL, social emotional learning, where attitudes, values and beliefs are reshaped. Again, available to all ages/school choices.)

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This article from LinkedIn reveals a corporate attitude of cannibalism, but it’s point #6 we can also apply to education: Blockchain. Blockchain uses the algorithms (aslo from AI) to pigeonhole and identify where students belong. This technology is being used on everyone and will only increase as we become less free from government control.

1) The gaming system ties to be used against us:

2) The SEL dangers facing our nation(as aligned to the CCSS Machine and all this agenda):

3) From 2020, how the Computer Science For All Act lives on:

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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