CNN broadcast vote fraud as it happened, watch votes taken from Trump and given to Biden

CNN broadcast vote fraud as it happened, watch votes taken
from Trump and given to Biden 1

(Natural News) During CNN‘s broadcast on election night, the infamous fake news network appears to have accidentally aired vote fraud as it happened live.

As CNN‘s election analyst was busy whisking his fingers across the giant touch screen while speculating about all of Joe Biden’s “paths” to victory, the counter at the bottom of the screen shifted 20,000 votes from President Trump’s tally to Joe Biden’s.

Watch for yourself in the below video as the Trump column in Pennsylvania suddenly shifted these 20,000 votes into the Biden column for no apparent reason:

Keep in mind that removing 20,000 votes from Trump and giving them to Biden represents a 40,000-vote swing which is significant, especially in key swing states like Pennsylvania where every last vote can make a difference.

“This is a very serious matter that must be further investigated,” writes Joe Hoft for The Gateway Pundit.

Between this and the illegal counting of ballots that arrived after the deadline, Pennsylvania is in some serious hot water

On the night of the election, Trump was some 800,000 votes ahead of Biden. By the next morning, however, he was suddenly neck and neck with Biden, for inexplicable reasons.

We can now see, based on the above footage from CNN, that votes for Trump were simply stolen by the computers and handed to Biden, a bulk of this fraud presumably happening in the middle of the night after most of America had already gone to sleep.

Pennsylvania also illegally counted votes that arrived after the election day deadline, something that the Trump campaign is currently suing to rectify.

“Bill Binney explains the difference between glitches and design,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit about the obvious fraud that is taking place. “The software is doing exactly what it is programmed to do.”

“There’s also the fraction magic software that steals votes in only fractions so it’s very hard to catch,” noted another, addressing another tactic of vote fraud that has repeatedly been used in American elections.

Democrats only “win” elections that they steal

Amazingly, similar “glitches” were broadcast on live television during the 2019 gubernatorial election in Kentucky, where vote swapping apparently also occurred on live television – and on CNN, no less.

Internet sleuths who slowed down the footage observed that just like with the current presidential election, votes for the Republican candidate were switched to votes for the Democrat candidate.

“The number of votes seemed small, but in this incident, this vote swap was a quarter of the difference between the candidates’ final vote counts,” Hoft explains.

The moral of the story, of course, is that the Democrat Party only seems to exist because of theft. Its candidates certainly do not win elections due to merit or popularity, but rather because of fraud and election rigging, as is becoming undeniably obvious with the current election crisis.

“The project to deploy Dominion software is called both ‘Project Hammer’ and “Operation Scorecard,’” another commenter noted.

“Operation Scorecard was built by the CIA to surreptitiously steal elections in targeted countries … Scorecard steals votes by making sure Democrats always stay about 3% ahead of their Republican rivals. Scorecard steals the elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points … Dominion software was used in all swing states!”

As more news about the election comes our way, we will share it with you at

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