
Confirmed: Leftist Facebook Plans to Impose Censorship on Metaverse

Confirmed: Leftist Facebook Plans to Impose Censorship on
Metaverse 1

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) In what can only be viewed as another in a long train of assaults on reality, Meta Platforms (Facebook‘s parent company) has introduced a new physical distancing restriction within its Horizon virtual reality worlds, according to a Feb. 4 blog post by Horizon VP Vivek Sharma.

Horizon’s “Personal Boundary” will “prevent anyone from invading your avatar’s personal space,” wrote Sharma. The boundary will “by default make it feel like there is an almost 4-foot distance between your avatar and others.”

The move came in response to a British woman’s claim that her avatar was verbally and sexually harassed almost immediately after she entered the virtual world.

“Within 60 seconds of joining — I was verbally and sexually harassed — 3–4 male avatars, with male voices, essentially, but virtually gang raped my avatar and took photos,” Nina Jane Patel, a British metaverse researcher, wrote in a Dec. 21 post on Medium.

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Patel’s report and Meta’s response make clear that no virtual reality will be free from the exploitation of mental trauma that has led to the creation of “safe spaces” within that other fictitious world, the modern university.

Denizens of the Metaverse should expect their virtual actions and real speech to be monitored, regulated, and punished.

In his post, Sharma offered users the illusion of personal control while laying the foundation for a social credit system that enforces “behavioral norms.”

“We are intentionally rolling out Personal Boundary as always on, by default, because we think this will help to set behavioral norms,” the VP wrote.

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“In the future, we’ll explore the possibility of adding in new controls . . . like letting people customize the size of their Personal Boundary,” he continued. “We’ll continue to test and explore new ways to help people feel comfortable in VR.”

Proponents of the Great Reset fantasized about the way a pandemic could function as what Joel Kotkin called “The Great Nudge,” a governing technology to would allow elites to engineer social behavior.

In the Metaverse, those restrictions — physical boundaries in a virtual world — are built into the system.

You will be curated.

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