Dominion CEO Lays Blame on Local Officials at Michigan Vote Fraud Hearing

Dominion CEO Lays Blame on Local Officials at Michigan Vote
Fraud Hearing 1

The CEO of Dominion Voting Systems continued to deny any nefarious plot involving the company’s role in the 2020 election while seeming to deflect any blame onto local voting officials.

John Poulos appeared at a committee hearing before the Michigan legislature only a day after a damning forensic report indicated that the company worked to intentionally manipulate voting in at least one Michigan County.

“The most important thing to understand about Dominion is this: We do not run elections,” Poulos said in his opening statement, accompanied by his lawyer, Greg Brower.

“Our role is limited to providing local election offices with the machines they need to run elections,” he said. “After election officials have determined who is eligible to vote, we provide machinery for voters to mark their ballot and for election officials to accurately tally those ballots. Election officials report those tallies publicly and store the original paper ballots securely.”

Evidence has suggested otherwise in repeated affidavits and reports indicating that voting officials abused the system in a variety of ways.

Among those were the re-running of the same ballots, caught on camera in one Georgia tabulating station during the wee hours of election night.

But other concerns linked more directly to Dominion’s involvement. Forensic analysts in a court case from Antrim County, Michigan, noted that the error rate in the machines was set at more than 68 percent, which allowed partisan adjudicators to manually decide whether to accept or reject more than two out of every three voters.

That rate was a shocking 85,000 times higher than permitted by the Federal Election Commission, reported conservative blog The Federalist Papers.

Other renowned and highly respected witnesses have testified to the concerns that Dominion systems in some precincts were not linked to a closed network circuit but to the Internet, allowing servers on the supposedly secure vote tabulators to communicate with several different cities throughout the world, including Frankfurt, Germany.

And others have pointed to evidence suggesting that an algorithm coded into the software was set to weight Biden votes more and Trump votes less based proportionately on how Republican the district tended to vote.

Poulos, who swore under penalty of perjury while testifying remotely via video conference, insisted that all of those evidence-based allegations amounted to nothing but baseless “disinformation.”

Insisting he was a hapless victim in the smear attacks on his company, he denounced the vote-fraud claims as “reckless.”

‘Those people making baseless claims surely know that they are lies, but many honest Americans see them proliferated on social media, and they believe them,” he said.

“… It is critical to set the record straight today on several of the most persistent lies:
First, there are no switched or deleted votes involving Dominion machines,” he continued. “All 2020 recounts and election audits conducted thus far of Dominion technologies have validated … the results.”

Poulos likewise denied the presence of any algorithms or other settings that would switch votes, although experts have presented compelling evidence that would show algorithmic interference in at least three Michigan counties.

During questioning, Poulos said that the system could not have been accessed remotely without leaving evidence.

“It would leave a trail,” he said, according to the Gateway Pundit.

“There would be a mismatch from another card,” he continued. “And there are several checks and balances in the machine.”

Later in the hearing, Poulos also denied one of the most recent developments in the unfolding story, claiming that there was no direct link between Dominion and SolarWind, the database company at the center of a Russian-hacking scandal.

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