Electronic Voting

Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Pelosi Staffer Link

Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Pelosi
Staffer Link 1

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times,

Dominion Voting Systems has refuted claims about being biased toward Democratic officials during the Nov. 3 election, including allegations about a raid on a server in Germany as well as ties to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

However, it did note that it made a donation to the Bill- and Hillary Clinton-operated Clinton Foundation and did not dispute that a former staffer of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was hired as a lobbyist.

In a lengthy statement, the Colorado-based voting systems provider first refuted that it has no ties to Smartmatic, another voting software maker, but it did note that the two firms worked together in the Philippines and said it bought some assets from Smartmatic-linked Sequoia about 10 years ago, adding that the two companies had legal disputes. Some Trump campaign officials made claims in recent interviews that Smartmatic had links to Dominion.

Dominion has been at the center of controversy since Election Day after Antrim County, Michigan, showed Joe Biden beating President Donald Trump before the results were reversed, with county officials saying the error was due to the county clerk not updating software.

The firm confirmed that it made a donation during a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in 2014, but it asserted that it has “no company ownership relationships with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela.”

Dominion linked to an AP report that noted that Pelosi Chief of Staff Nadeam Elshami “is part of a lobbying team representing Dominion, according to public disclosures,” adding that the team “includes Brian Wild, who counts Republicans such as former House Speaker John Boehner and former Vice President Dick Cheney among his past bosses.”

Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell, over the weekend, alleged that Smartmatic and Dominion were used to bolster Biden over Trump.

“We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said on Fox Business, adding that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.”

“They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”

“We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell said.

Dominion has not responded to a request for comment about Powell’s claims.

Dominion again asserted that claims of voter fraud are “conspiracies” and are “100 percent false.”

The firm cited a statement made recently by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which called the 2020 election the “most secure in American history.”

The agency failed to disclose, however, that Dominion Voting Systems is a member of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council.

Meanwhile, Smartmatic, in a statement, said last week that it has no ties with Dominion.

A contractor for Dominion said in an affidavit last week that she witnessed fraudulent actions at the TCF Center in Detroit.

Melissa Carone said she saw workers count some ballots four or five times, and noticed that one of the counters had even counted a batch of ballots eight times.

 “I confronted my manager, Nick Ikonornakis, saying how big of a problem this was,” Carone said.

“Nick told me he didn’t want to hear that we have a big problem. He told me we are here to do assist with IT work, not to run their election.”

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