Dominion Voting Systems employees largely support Democrats, donation records show

Dominion Voting Systems employees largely support Democrats,
donation records show 1

(Natural News) Dominion Voting Systems made headlines when its systems were found to be responsible for improperly counting ballots in a way that gave Joe Biden a fraudulent win in Antrim County, Michigan, and led to several other major “glitches” that worked in his favor. Now, it has emerged that the company is largely staffed by Democratic donors.

In fact, records from the Federal Election Commission show that 96 percent of the political donations that came from Dominion’s employees went to Democratic candidates. This may explain why their voting machines malfunctioned in a way that conveniently only benefited Biden.

These Democratic donor employees hold positions ranging from the voting system’s setup to tabulation and include network engineers, implementation managers, software developers and software production specialists.

In contrast, just four of the donations from Dominion employees during the six-year period studied went to Republican candidates, amounting to $86.25.

In addition, the National Pulse reports that Dominion has employed several lobbyists linked to the Democratic Party to help with issues such as monitoring federal legislation and election security concerns. In addition, the voting company currently has retained the services of a former chief of staff for Nancy Pelosi as well as a director of voting protection for the Obama 2012 campaign.

Millions of votes for Trump deleted

According to a tweet by President Trump, Dominion deleted a total of 2.7 million votes for him across the country. He added that data analysis has found that 221,000 votes in Pennsylvania were switched from Trump to Biden and that “states using Dominion voting systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden.”

These are not baseless claims; they come from analysis of data that is now publicly available. It is interesting to note that votes were only deleted from Trump and never from Biden. How convenient! On top of that, Dominion’s voting systems are widely used in swing states, which is where the Democrats are known to focus their efforts on getting votes by whatever means possible.

Meanwhile, some interesting information about how the Dominion voting system works has come to light. Experts say that its network security is considered very weak. Since all of the software access keys employ the same cryptographic pair, a person who decides to interfere with the settings could have plausible deniability because it would be difficult to discern who exactly was responsible.

Moreover, there is said to be a lack of checks and balances, and local IT technicians can change settings without being held accountable. Questions are also emerging about the central server system in which the votes are tabulated – specifically over who has access to the server and whether it is subjected to security reviews.

It’s little wonder, then, that the Texas Secretary of State refused to adopt their voting system on two occasions, the most recent of which was in 2019. In a five-page report on Dominion’s voting systems, the Attorney General’s Designee recommended that certification be denied on the grounds that the software was fragile and prone to errors. The report listed a series of red flags seen in testing and described the installation process as “complex, error prone and tedious.”

For example, their voting test found that some party names and proposition text weren’t displayed, and one scanner didn’t accept certain ballots. They also found that the software was potentially confusing to voters, in part by flashing words on the display so quickly that they could not be read. After repeatedly rescanning the ballot, they found that the message was one alerting of “ambiguous marks” that appeared for less than a second, which means voters would not be able to know what was wrong.

Moreover, the devices informed voters that they were casting their ballots when they were really only printing them; they were only counted when they were scanned on a different device.

The more we learn about Dominion and its ties to the Democratic Party, the more it makes sense that all of their software errors seem to favor Biden. Will they be held accountable for manipulating Americans’ votes?

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