In a video posted Tuesday evening, Richard Hopkins, a United States Postal Service worker in Pennsylvania who said voter fraud was rampant denied taking back his statements when speaking to authorities. “I’m here to say I did not recant my statements. That did not happen,” said Richard Hopkins, standing against the mainstream media’s allegations.
The plan to say Hopkins recanted is backfiring, but it was probably one last-ditch effort by Democrats to maintain control of public perception about the outcome of the election, which should not have been called according to Real Clear Politics.
According to The New York Post, congressional Democrats and a major US newspaper claimed had recanted his allegations of mail-in-ballot tampering is denying that he walked back his words.
Hopkins is standing against the lying and propagating mainstream media.
Hopkins’ allegations — first reported by conservative activist group Project Veritas — were included in a federal lawsuit filed Monday by Trump’s campaign.
The suit alleges that Keystone State officials created “an illegal ‘two-tiered’ voting system” that unfairly favors mail-in ballots and “encourages ballot fraud or tampering.”
“It has been reported by Project Veritas, in a release on November 5, 2020, that carriers were told to collect, separate and deliver all mail-in ballots directly to the supervisor,” the suit says. –The New York Post
This situation seems strange.
“It has been reported by Project Veritas, in a release on November 5, 2020, that carriers were told to collect, separate and deliver all mail-in ballots directly to the supervisor,” the suit says.
After news of Hopkins recanting was initially reported, Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh weighed in as well, arguing that Hopkins “filed a very detailed affidavit. He named names. He described explicitly what it is that he experienced.”
Murtaugh also suggested that Hopkins’ recantation may not have been entirely voluntary.
“Earlier today, we saw our own attorney, in some cases, doxxed on Twitter and public invitations to harass attorneys who have been involved in pursuing the president’s lawful avenues through the courts and also connected to what we will eventually pursue in recounts,” he said. -NY Post
Real Clear Politics: “The Media Should NOT Have Called This Election!”
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Author: Mac Slavo
Date: November 12th, 2020
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