(Natural News) Should elections be up for sale? Should they be undermined and manipulated by billionaires?
The November 4 -11 election steal would not have been possible if it weren’t for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Not only was Facebook used as a social engineering tool over the past four years — exclusively removing conservative content and elevating left-wing messages — but the CEO himself funneled over $500 million into Democrat-controlled strongholds to change the election system itself. His money was used to coerce Democrat election officials to change the rules for mail-in ballots, weakening the criteria for voter identification and destroying the simple, transparent process for voting in person on election day.
The push for universal mail-in ballots opened the door for ballot harvesting via drop off boxes, change of address ID fraud, and the enrollment of more dead Democrat voters through the mail. This is why there were more ballots cast than registered voters in some precincts; universal mail-in ballots allowed vindictive Democrats to print as many ballots as they wanted, allowing for adjudication of votes through Dominion voting machines.
Zuckerberg funnels $500 million to coerce Democrats to change election rules and circumvent the state legislatures
The Amistad Project, an election watchdog group, unearthed a network of coercion funded by Zuckerberg. What they found was shocking levels of illegal election interference. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg strategically identified precincts governed by Democrats and funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to influence election officials in those districts and weaken voter ID criteria to inflate voter turnouts in these locations. In the 2020 election, Zuckerberg set up ten different nonprofits and funded them using five foundations. This network of nonprofits funneled over $500 million to Democrat precincts to influence the 2020 election. A stunning 99.4 percent of the $500 million was funneled to Democrat-heavy districts. Mail-in ballot fraud is reported highest in many of these districts.
Zuckerberg’s funds were distributed by dark money organizations looking to influence the 2020 elections. They include the following: The Democracy Fund, New Venture Fund, Skoll Foundation, The Knight Foundation, the Center for Technology and Civic Life, the Center for Electronic Innovation Research, the Center for Civic Design, the National Vote at Home Institute, the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, and Rock the Vote. Together, this network fundamentally undermined the electoral system by targeting Democratic strongholds and coercing them to change election rules, without the involvement of the state legislatures and without adhering to the law and the US Constitution. (Related: Former Facebook fact checker reveals that social media is being used as a weapon to garner compliance with global communism and medical Marxism.)
Zuckerberg’s election interference gives Facebook executives access to government positions
The Amistad Project reports that $350 million was funneled through the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and was used to “illegally inflate turnout in key Democratic swing states as part of this effort.” The group illegally interfered in the 2020 election by carrying out “unequal distribution of funding that favored Democratic precincts.” The money was distributed primarily to seventeen cities and counties and 99.4 percent of these “grants” were doled out to Democrat-heavy districts.
“The injection of private funding into county and municipal elections circumvented State and Federal appropriations processes, violated protocols in HAVA state implementation plans, and resulted in inaccurate reporting under HAVA 254(a)(5),” the Amistad Project stated.
After successfully coercing and rigging the election in the targeted areas, Facebook executives are beginning to fill positions in the Joe Biden administration, as the organization gains access to government positions and influence. Facebook’s former board member Jeff Zients is now the co-chair of Biden’s transition team. Other board members are now advisers to Biden. A former Facebook director and a Facebook lobbyists now enjoy leadership roles for the “president-elect.” Top Facebook executive, Nick Clegg already has access to Biden.
Learn how Big Tech is destroying the US and its election system to gain access to the government at BigTech.news.
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