A senior Republican Party official in Georgia confirmed to National File White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller’s announcement on Fox & Friends this morning that an alternative slate of Electoral College Electors are voting today to re-elect President Donald J. Trump in defiance of the disputed 2020 election result.
National File’s source said, “It’s definitely happening. It’s not a secret. The campaign is up there doing this right now … One of the electors is a good friend of mine, and she’s up there right now in Atlanta.”
The Republican slate for the Electoral College are going to claim that they were legitimately elected and the plan is for them to make their vote for President Trump and send it to Congress. From there, Congress will have to sort the discrepancy between the states’ certifications of their election results and the votes of the alternate slate.
The senior party official remarked at the historic nature of the decision, “This is the first time since 1876 that a state has had two different slates of conflicting electors.”
This refers to the 1876 presidential election where disputed election results in Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oregon prompted a congressional compromise which saw the Republicans keep the White House in exchange for concessions to Democrats.
Miller’s initial announcement on Fox & Friends explained the constitutional and legal rationale behind the alternate slate:
The only date in the Constitution is January 20th, so we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result and certify Donald Trump as the winner of this election.
As we speak today, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we’re going to send those results up to Congress.
ALL of our legal remedies remain open. That means that if we win these cases in the courts that we can direct that the alternate slate of electors be certified. The state legislatures in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania can do the same. And likewise Congress has that opportunity as well to do the right thing.
As National File reported previously, a white paper from top lawyers at the Amistad Project demonstrated that the Electoral College deadlines of December 8th and 14th are negotiable at best and meaningless at worst.
Miller then went into further detail about the pending litigation over the 2020 election and explained how even fairly modest anti-fraud efforts now could easily flip the result:
If you just cured three simple constitutional defects, Donald Trump’s the winner of this election. Whether it’s the signature matching in Georgia that was illegally changed as a result of the Consent Decree without the legislature’s approval; or whether it’s the hundreds of thousands of improperly-cast ballots in Wisconsin – absentee voters who never actually submitted the requests for absentee ballots; or whether you’re talking about Pennsylvania, the clear Equal Protection violation when Democrat ballots were cured in advance of Election Day and Republican ballots weren’t.
These are just three of hundreds of violations that we’ve documented and those three violations alone make Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 election.
It is unclear how this will impact the impending run-off election for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats. As it stands, there there are 50 Republicans versus 48 Democrats elected to the Senate, so a double Democrat victory would create a 50-50 split with the next Vice President voting as a tie-breaker.