President Donald Trump supporters and American patriots nationwide are emboldened after an Arizona state Senate hearing on the Maricopa County election audit proved massive fraud. Among the audit’s findings so far: 11,326 people in the county who voted in the November 3 election were NOT on the voter rolls on November 7, but were added to the voter rolls by December 4. This number is higher than Joe Biden’s supposed statewide “lead” in Arizona of 10,457 votes. Additionally, more than 74,000 mail-in ballots were counted in the county even though there is no recorded evidence of the ballots being sent to the “voters” in the first place — and Maricopa County withheld all photographic evidence of the mail-in ballot envelopes from the Republican audit team (meanwhile, photographs show ballot printers and boxes getting loaded onto a “Destruction” truck in Phoenix during the Senate hearing). Thin ballot paper used for approximately 168,000 ballots led to markers “bleeding through” the paper, damaging ballots, after a Maricopa County official ordered staff to hand out Sharpie markers to same-day voters even though she knew about concerns with the Sharpies. Now, new witness evidence provided to NATIONAL FILE proves, once and for all, that the SharpieGate scandal is completely true. (READ: Maricopa Official Who Demanded Republicans Use Sharpies On Election Day Donated To Democrat Mark Kelly Campaign).
WITNESS STATEMENT: On November 3rd 2020 I went to go vote around 2:00pm. I live in North Scottsdale somewhere along Thompson Peak Parkway. I went to go vote at this address 8600 E Anderson Dr, Scottsdale AZ 85255 which was a particularly large building. I parked my car and I was talking to a lady who was handing out drinks. She was a Republican just like me. I spoke to her for about 10 minutes and we were excited about Trump. After the 10 minutes was up I went inside to go vote. As soon as I entered the building I gave the lady my voter registration card which of course verifies my political party and if I am registered to vote. She proceeds to hand me a sharpie. I told her why the hell would I use a marker for my ballot when I can use my own ball point pen? She immediately argued with me for refusing to use a sharpie. I told the lady I wasn’t stupid! I was once an engineering student and I know that these machines are programmed to only read ball point pen only. It was even stated on the sample ballot to use ball point pen only. She then argues with me about the machines being a “New System” and that I need to trust the system because it can now read sharpies. I told her why would I trust this new system?
I also stated that the sample ballot even states to use ball point pen as well as the original one which was printed out to me. I spent about 45 minutes arguing with her. Eventually I got sick of hearing her shit and I told her to hand me my ballot after arguing with her. I took her dumb sharpie and used it on my ballot because I had to pick up a client at 3:30pm and I didn’t want to waste more time arguing with this lady. I was then directed to go vote at the red table. I then became highly suspicious because why were the tables color coded red and blue around me and why was I directed to vote at the red table? When I was filling out my ballot I also decided to take a photo of my ballot so I can upload it to social media. I was proud of voting for Trump. Then the same lady who argued with me about the sharpie screams at me for taking a photo of my ballot and told me that “There are no phones or cameras allowed inside.” I told her it’s my ballot which is now my property and I can do what I want with it. Once I was done with my ballot I was directed to give my ballot to the guy on the left which I did. I then left the building frustrated. Never in my life have I had a difficult time voting in my life. I later became very suspicious about the situation and kept checking if my ballot was counted. I never saw my ballot update in the system so I assumed my ballot was spoiled or not counted due to the use of the sharpie. I wish I would have obtained more photos but I was in a rush. Also the sharpie did cause the ink to bleed through. Below I have attached pictures of my ballot with an arrow showing the red table. These photos were taken using a Samsung galaxy note 10plus 5G.”
SharpieGate: “We are seeing a lot of very thin paper stock being used especially on Election Day,” said Doug Logan, Cyber Ninjas CEO, noting that approximately 168,000 on-site ballots printed at polling places used this thin paper, which resulted in a “bleed-through” ink effect that damaged ballots. Evidence shows that a Maricopa County government official ordered her underlings to hand out Sharpie markers to Election Day voters (mostly Trump voters showed up to vote on Election Day) despite “issues and concerns” with the markers.
Doug Logan: This is an actual ballot in Maricopa County with bleed through that would have been counted as an over vote.
— Audit War Room (@AuditWarRoom) July 15, 2021
BUSTED: This internal email from Maricopa County, AZ talks about “Issues and Concerns” with markers but says they have to give voters markers anyway instead of ballpoint pens on Election Day
— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) November 18, 2020
NATIONAL FILE REPORTED IN NOVEMBER 2020: “An election day video shot in Arizona has drawn scrutiny nationwide after voters in the hotly contested state reported being issued Sharpie permanent markers to fill out their ballots, as opposed to the standard ballpoint pen, raising concerns that ballots filled out with the markers will not be properly counted. Filmed outside a polling location in Maricopa County, a woman on screen can be heard telling a man recording footage of the incident that poll workers were handing out Sharpies to voters, triggering vote-counting machines to reject ballots. Despite the issues, poll workers seemed to have barred the use of pens, maintaining that ballots must be filled out with Sharpies despite having pens on hand and barring voters from using their own or each other’s pens to vote.
“There were two people in front of me that used the Sharpie that was given to them by the poll workers, it did not read their ballot, and they slide it in there twice. I used a pen. I took their Sharpie and threw it away and it read my ballot,” the woman said.
“They had a bowl of pens behind them that they were not giving to people and only giving Sharpies out,” she says as another woman appears to corroborate her story.
What’s more, is the woman in the video says that after posting an account of her troubles voting to a local Facebook chat, more voters described a similar experience, all seeming to revolve around a region surrounding the Town of Gilbert, a heavily Republican area.
“I posted it on my Facebook group chat in my neighborhood, they said they did it at the Queen Creek Library, they did it at ASU Polytech earlier, that like four different polling places were doing Sharpies all in – like between Queen Creek and the edge of Gilbert.”
When the woman began alerting other voters at the polling location to the issue with the Sharpie markers, “there was a guy that directly came out and yelled at me. Three times.”
“They called the sheriffs[…]and told us to stop handing out the ballpoint pens,” the man recording responds. “In which case, those [ballots being filled out with ballpoint pens] are the only ones being counted and validated.”
“And so we know that and we’ve been telling them you need to use a ballpoint pen, not the sharpie, and now those are getting invalidated. So people are coming here to vote for Donald Trump and those votes are all getting invalidated. There we go…Welcome to the new America, people. That’s what’s going on!”…Arizona State Senator-elect Kelly Townsend, currently a State House Representative, confirms, after speaking to the Maricopa County Recorder’s office staff, that the reports of voters in Republican-leaning areas being given sharpies by poll workers that allegedly resulted in ballots being rendered unusable are now officially under investigation, and urges Maricopa County residents to aid in the effort.”
NATIONAL FILE REPORTED ON NOVEMBER 6: “A video has been uncovered released by Arizona officials last month that instructs voters not to use sharpies when casting their ballots.
Republican voters in Arizona during the election reported that they were forced to use Sharpies instead of ballpoint pens, something that is alleged would result in the ballots being thrown out, with the controversy being labelled “SharpieGate” as a result. National File reported on a viral video from a female voter on her experiences at the voting booth:
“There were two people in front of me that used the Sharpie that was given to them by the poll workers, it did not read their ballot, and they slide it in there twice. I used a pen. I took their Sharpie and threw it away and it read my ballot,” the woman said.
“They had a bowl of pens behind them that they were not giving to people and only giving Sharpies out,” she says as another woman appears to corroborate her story.
What’s more, is the woman in the video says that after posting an account of her troubles voting to a local Facebook chat, more voters described a similar experience, all seeming to revolve around a region surrounding the Town of Gilbert, a heavily Republican area.
“I posted it on my Facebook group chat in my neighborhood, they said they did it at the Queen Creek Library, they did it at ASU Polytech earlier, that like four different polling places were doing Sharpies all in – like between Queen Creek and the edge of Gilbert.”
Now a video has emerged from the official YouTube channel of Pima County, Arizona, with officials telling voters that they should not use sharpies or any permanent markers when casting their ballot. “Use a black or blue ballpoint pen, no sharpies, to fill in the ovals next to your candidates name,” the official in the video says.
Now a video has emerged from the official YouTube channel of Pima County, Arizona, with officials telling voters that they should not use sharpies or any permanent markers when casting their ballot. “Use a black or blue ballpoint pen, no sharpies, to fill in the ovals next to your candidates name,” the official in the video says.”
NATIONAL FILE REPORTED ON NOVEMBER 30, 2020: “Trump campaign expert witness Colonel Phil Waldron confirmed the SharpieGate scandal during Arizona’s hearing on election integrity on Monday.
Republican voters on election day in Maricopa County in Arizona reported that they were forced to use Sharpies, rather than ballpoint pens, and were concerned that there would be bleedthroughs, and therefore invalidate the ballots. The hashtag “SharpieGate” went viral, with Arizona voters posting their concerns all over social media.
“There were two people in front of me that used the Sharpie that was given to them by the poll workers, it did not read their ballot, and they slide it in there twice. I used a pen. I took their Sharpie and threw it away and it read my ballot,” one woman said at the time.
During Monday’s hearing in Arizona on election integrity, Colonel Phil Waldron, an expert witness, confirmed the scandal’s existence when discussing the topic with former New York mayor and head of the Trump legal team, Rudy Giuliani.
“Tell us about the green button in Maricopa County on the machine,” Giuliani asked Waldron. “There is one witness that is going to testify that all day she saw election officials constantly pressing the green button when somebody was voting.”
“I believe this was also linked to another witness that’s going to talk about the differences between the pens and the sharpies,” Waldron replied. “The Maricopa elections division in early voting they specified to only use ballpoint pens for voting, and then on election day they specified only use sharpies.”
National File confirmed this story, with Maricopa County Elections Assistant Director Kelly Dixon identifying issues with ballots being cast using Sharpie markers but still insisting that voters who cast their ballot on November 3 must do so using sharpies.”
Republicans hoping to get President Donald Trump back in office can look to left-wingers for advice. That’s right. After the 2016 election, liberals tried to overturn Trump’s victory and laid out numerous strategies for doing so, as we will explain below. Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers stated: “I have heard enough. With the tens of thousands of ballots mailed without being requested, the over ten thousand people who voted after registering after November 3rd, the failure of Maricopa to turn over the 40% machines, the passwords that Dominion still refuses to turn over, & tens of thousands of unauthorized queries demonstrating how insecure the election was, I call for the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona & a new election must be conducted. Arizona’s electors must not be awarded fraudulently & we need to get this right.” Arizona state senator Sonny Borelli stated: “I’ve seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results.” Arizona state senator Kelly Townsend stated that “I want to see indictments.” Georgia State Senator Brandon Beach, referring to the massive voter fraud revelations in his own state of Georgia, said, “We can ask for our 16 Electoral College votes back, and park them here. And just say, we don’t want those as part of the vote.” Beach explained, “Decertify our 16 electoral votes. Park them here. Bring them back, and park them in Georgia. And then if Arizona did that, if a couple other states did that, and it got below 270, then the Twelfth Amendment would kick in, and Congress would have to act.” So would Republicans put Decertificaton of the 2020 election on the ballot for the 2022 midterms, or can Wendy Rogers’ strategy prove effective and can we get a re-vote of the entire election? Arguments can certainly be made for an Election “Re-Do.”
As Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan revealed some of his evidence at an Arizona Senate hearing, ballot printers and boxes were being moved in Phoenix onto a truck providing “Destruction” services. The establishment appears to be panicking. Maricopa County officials have confirmed that they are getting rid of the election equipment that was inspected in the audit.
Why were they loading shredding trucks w boxes too? Inquiring minds want to know!
— JovanHuttonPulitzer™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer (@JovanHPulitzer) July 15, 2021
Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan said at a hearing before Arizona state senators Thursday that his election audit found more than 74,000 mail-in ballots that were counted in Maricopa County with no record of them being sent to the voters, and that the standard of verification for mail-in ballots dropped down to zero during the counting process. Logan is demanding the full library of mail-in ballot images from Maricopa County, which the county has not provided to him. Biden’s official lead in Arizona stands at only 10,457 votes.
“We have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent,” Doug Logan said. “And so we have 74,000 where we have them came back from individuals where we don’t have a clear indication that they were ever sent out to them.”
BOMBSHELL: Arizona Audit experts say that there were 74,000 mail in ballots received with no record of them being sent out.
— National File (@NationalFile) July 15, 2021
Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan stated that the standard of verification for mail-in ballots dropped considerably as the volume of the ballots increased. “We’ve had an affidavit that specifically stated that when mail-in ballots were received, that so many of them were received that the standard was reduced over time. They originally talked about, there was originally 20 points of comparison on the signature and then after some time they were told to go to ten points of comparison, then five. And then eventually they were just told to let every single mail-in ballot through,” Doug Logan stated, noting that Maricopa County is withholding mail-in ballot images that can be used as evidence. Former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett recommended re-subpoenaing those images.
HUGE: Arizona Audit experts say they received an affidavit from Maricopa County revealing that verification of mail in ballots went from 20 points to 10 to 5 to ZERO.
— National File (@NationalFile) July 15, 2021
Former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, who served as the Republican state Senate’s liaison to the Maricopa County audit, confirmed that “thousands” of ballots that were set aside to be duplicated had no serial number on them or a very “light” unreadable serial number, making them impossible to properly count during the 2020 election.
“There was almost one whole pallet that were called original/damaged ballots sent to duplication…if a ballot gets damaged and has to be sent to duplication,” Bennett explained. “We found I would have to say thousands of duplicate ballots where those serial numbers are not on them” which “has created great difficulty in trying to match up.”
Bennett said that “thousands” of ballots in the duplicate pile had serial numbers “put on by a dot matrix printer, very very light” and there was “none whatsoever on many” ballots. When asked how you would know if ballots are duplicated or not with no serial number, Ken Bennett confirmed that you would NOT know. The stunning revelation provides more substance to President Donald Trump’s assertion that the 2020 election was illegitimate.
BOMBSHELL: Many Arizona duplicate ballots had “very, very light” serial numbers, and many more had NO SERIAL NUMBERS.
— National File (@NationalFile) July 15, 2021
Tech contractor Ben Cotton, a witness in the Arizona Senate hearing Thursday on the Arizona election audit, confirmed that the Maricopa County election system was “compromised” during the 2020 election. “An element of the election system was actually compromised or breached during the course of the November 2020 election…The registration server that was public facing did have unauthorized access to that. In cybersecurity terms, it was breached…The county issued a letter” regarding the problem, stated tech expert Cotton.
BREAKING: Elections systems were “breached” in the 2020 election.
— National File (@NationalFile) July 15, 2021
In March, there were more than 37,000 anonymous administrative queries to access the 2020 election system in Maricopa County that defied “normal Windows behavior,” according to cyber expert Ben Cotton, a witness at the Arizona state Senate hearing Thursday on the election audit.
“The Windows logs will actually record the user name that is requesting that action” in addition to the IP address and the host name of the client making the request, said tech expert Ben Cotton. “What we are seeing here…is we’re seeing anonymous logins at the system level that do not follow that pattern of normal Windows behavior.” Cotton said that he needs to obtain data to figure out what the activity is.
JUST IN: Maricopa County cyber expert Ben Cotton says “We’re seeing anonymous logins at the system level that do not follow that pattern of normal Windows behavior”
— National File (@NationalFile) July 15, 2021
President Donald Trump stated: “Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Administration. While this, according to the Senate, is preliminary, with results being announced at a later date, it seems that 74,243 Mail-In Ballots were counted with “no clear record of them being sent.” There were 18,000 voters who were scrubbed from the voter rolls after the election. They also revealed that the voting system was breached or hacked (by who?) Very big printer and ballot problems with different paper used, etc., and MUCH MORE. The irregularities revealed at the hearing today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won. Despite these massive numbers, this is the State that Fox News called early for a Biden victory. There was no victory here, or in any other of the Swing States either.”
“Maricopa County refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency. Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election? What are they trying to hide? The highly respected State Senator Wendy Rogers said in a tweet the hearing today means we must decertify the election. In any event, the Senate Patriots are moving forward with final results to be announced in the not-too-distant future, but based on today’s hearing, why even wait?” stated Republican President Trump, who served honorably in the Oval Office from 2017 until his ouster by the Deep State in January 2021.
The Left Tried To Overturn The 2016 Election After Trump Won, Demanding A Revote And Petitioning Attorneys General
The left-wing VoicesofMillionsCoalition drafted a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court to force a “Revote of the 2016 Elections (Primary and General).” The group’s petition stated: “The people of Austria and Ukraine prompted their Supreme Court to overturn their elections following widespread election hacking. We must do the same. Jerroll M. Sanders—legal strategist for a far-reaching citizen revote effort—looked at U.S. law through a new lens and drafted a writ of mandamus that amounts to a solid challenge to the 2016 elections. Citizens across the nation walked into courts and filed the documents drafted by Sanders to safeguard our right to vote. One of the writs filed jointly by three citizen petitioners now sits before the U.S. Supreme Court. The writ asks the Court to declare the 2016 elections (primary and general) unconstitutional because the U.S. Government failed to protect States’ against cyber invasions during the 2016 elections as required by Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.”
On November 21, 2017, VoicesofMillionsCoalition posted that “Revote Coalition Launches Promising Strategy to Obtain Revote of 2016 Federal Elections” and stated, “Revote Coalition ( has sent requests to several State Attorneys General (AGs) asking them to file a Supreme Court (SCOTUS) case seeking a revote of the 2016 federal elections. AGs are considering the group’s request.” Of course, in the 2020 election, the Coalition encouraged its anti-Trump supporters to vote with paper ballots.
State Supreme Courts have ordered re-votes of contested elections
This time four years ago, in July 2017, the liberal website FiveThirtyEight ran an article headlined “What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say?,” which delved into the strategies Democrats could try to use to overturn the election if “Russian interference” was found to have helped Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. Needless to say, liberals were very much open to the idea of overturning the election results using legislative process. FiveThirtyEight even linked to some examples of cases that could be used to support a re-do of the 2016 presidential election, the way the 1974 Senate election in New Hampshire sparked a re-vote the following year.
In July 2002, the Chicago Tribune ran a headline entitled “Supreme Court doesn’t bar revote in primary” in which staff reporter Christi Parsons reported: “Clearing the way for a new election to correct a faulty Illinois House primary, the state Supreme Court on Friday declined to step in and avert plans to hold the unprecedented revote this fall. As a result, election officials are on course to hold a do-over election Sept. 10 for the West Side Chicago and west suburb House seat. In the initial election, some ballots were not counted, some were lost before an official recount and others were mistakenly cast by voters who didn’t live in the district. A Cook County judge last month ordered a new primary election in the race between Democrats Dorothy Reid and Deborah Graham. On Friday, justices declined to take up a direct appeal of that ruling, leaving an appeals court to hear complaints from Reid. She had been declared the winner after a coin flip to break a tie between her and Graham, opening the door to a court challenge soon after the March primary.”
In 2004, WTHR 13 in Indianapolis reported on the Indiana Supreme Court ordering a new East Chicago mayoral election as a result of fraud. WTHR reported: “The Indiana Supreme Court says supporters of long-time East Chicago Mayor Robert Pastrick bought absentee votes to get him re-elected last year. The state’s highest court Friday ordered a new election because of pervasive corruption in the Democratic primary in which Pastrick defeated George Pabey by 123 votes.”
The Supreme Court of Connecticut in 2006 upheld a lower court’s ruling that an election must be re-done for Middletown city council. The Supreme Court of Connecticut wrote in its decision on Bauer vs. Souto: “This appeal concerns a contested municipal election for the common council of the city of Middletown (council) that was held on November 8, 2005…Following the filing of simultaneous briefs and oral argument before this court, we announced the decision of this court from the bench on December 21, 2005, affirming the trial court’s judgment ordering a new election to be held on January 24, 2006, but reversing the judgment as to the scope of that election. Specifically, we ordered the new election to be citywide, and not limited to district eleven, the district in which the contest arose, as ordered by the trial court…The defendants’ suggestion, made at oral argument in this court, that the new election be limited to those voters who actually voted in the first election in district eleven, is patently unreasonable. There is nothing in our law or in our democratic traditions to suggest that, if a voter does not vote in an election, he or she waives his right to do so when the results of that election prove unreliable and a court orders a new election.”
Back when liberals thought they could overturn the 2016 election, FiveThirtyEight reported (emphasis added): “Others (legal scholars) suggest that there is legal precedent for a presidential re-vote if there were flaws in the process. One instance in which this question arose was the “butterfly ballot” from the 2000 election, which may have caused some voters to choose Pat Buchanan when they meant to vote for Al Gore in Palm Beach County, Florida…At least one federal court has suggested that the courts could order a new election. In 1976, a District Court in New York heard a case alleging voter fraud in several urban locations. The court’s opinion maintained that federal courts had a role to play in ensuring free and fair presidential elections, arguing: “It is difficult to imagine a more damaging blow to public confidence in the electoral process than the election of a President whose margin of victory was provided by fraudulent registration or voting, ballot-stuffing or other illegal means.” This assertion challenged the idea that presidential elections occupy a special category beyond such court remedies.” (FiveThirtyEight passage ends)
Kelly C from Arizona said on Twitter that “they were snatching people’s ball point pens away very aggressively, but the liberal cities like Tucson there was a sign that no sharpies allowed, definitely done on purpose” and “they didn’t just hand them out forcefully (they) took people’s ball point pen and said we can’t use them.”
True and they didn’t just hand them out they forcefully took peoples ball point pen and said we can’t use them
— Kelly C (@libertygirll) July 19, 2021