Trucks carrying the new COVID-19 vaccine have left a plant in Michigan. Pfizer’s vaccine was unsurprisingly authorized for use on American citizens and the first person in the United States is likely to be vaccinated today.
Await the incoming propaganda…
The military is rolling this vaccine out under Operation Warp Speed and is expected to deliver an estimated 2.9 million doses this week to hospitals and nursing homes in the first phase of the vaccine rollout. The vaccine will be delivered to 636 predetermined locations with the elderly and healthcare workers being among the first to get injected.
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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the company was leveraging manufacturing plants in Michigan, Missouri, and Massachusetts to produce and distribute the vaccines quickly. “I couldn’t be prouder of my fellow Pfizer colleagues and partners at BioNTech,” Bourla said in a video statement. “Their historic science-driven effort has delivered a vaccine with the potential to help bring an end to the most devastating pandemic in a century.”
The Food and Drug Administration authorized the emergency use of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine late Friday night. The United Kingdom became the first country to approve and distribute the Pfizer vaccine last week, where an initial batch of 800,000 went to hospital workers, nursing home staff and residents, and people over the age of 80. –NBC News
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FDA scientists “feel comfortable” telling the American people to just roll up their sleeve, and get the vaccine unless they have known allergies to other vaccines or the Pfizer vaccine ingredients, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said Saturday. “About 1.6 percent of the population has had a severe allergic reaction of some sort or another to a food or some environmental aspect,” Marks said. “We would really not like to have that many people not be able to receive the vaccine.”
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Does anyone actually believe it’s only 1.6% of the population that had a severe reaction?
Oh, and because the rulers and elitists are oh-so-kind, this shot is going to be delivered at no cost, other than your free will, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Author: Mac Slavo
Date: December 14th, 2020
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