(Natural News)
Michigan Republicans have proposed new legislation that would help to prevent voter fraud in future elections, but American car giants Ford and General Motors (GM) both oppose it.
According to reports, the two companies, along with dozens of others, object to implementing basic requirements for voting such as having to show proper identification before casting a ballot. The companies also oppose only sending out absentee ballot applications to people who request them, rather than mass-spamming them to everyone.
During the 2020 election, Michigan saw prolific voter fraud take place throughout the state that resulted in an illegitimate win for Creepy Joe Biden. State Republicans want to fix the problem by tightening up the process.
Ford and GM, however, say no way, José. Because Democrats rely on voter fraud in order to “win” elections, any measure that aims to ensure free and fair elections moving forward must be stopped.
The Associated Press (AP) also opposes the proposed legislation, lamenting the fact that applying for an absentee ballot would require voters to attach a copy of their ID. This, we are told, is too difficult for “minorities” because they are apparently too dumb to know how to complete the process.
“Government must support equitable access to the ballot to ensure that all eligible voters can exercise their rights,” reads a statement signed by GM’s Mary Barr, Ford’s Jim Farley, Stellantis’ Mike Manley, formerly of Fiat Chrysler.
“Government must avoid actions that reduce participation in elections – particularly among historically disenfranchised communities, persons with disabilities, older adults, racial minorities and low-income voters.”
Executives from all four of Detroit’s professional sports teams – including Christopher Ilitch, owner of the Tigers and Red Wings – as well as the leaders of auto suppliers, a major utility, banks, and various other Michigan businesses also signed on to the letter.
When buying your next car, choose a foreign company
While stopping short of weighing in on specific legislation in Michigan and elsewhere, the signatories expressed politically correct rhetoric about “equitable” elections “for all,” which can only happen if no restrictions are placed on the voting process.
The government, they claim, should strive to improve and strengthen access to the ballot box “because public faith in the security and integrity of our elections in [sic] fundamental.”
In a separate statement, GM urged lawmakers, not just in Michigan but across the United States, to protect and enhance “the right for all eligible voters to have their voices included in a free, fair and equitable manner.”
What they mean by this, of course, is that anyone who wants to vote, even without identification, should be allowed to do so – perhaps once, twice or maybe several more times.
State Republicans, meanwhile, are emphasizing the importance of vetting voters and better securing the voting process to ensure that only eligible voters vote, and that they only vote once while having their votes fairly and accurately counted.
“This package’s move through the legislative process has only just begun and I look forward to seeking the input of my colleagues across the aisle and all who have engaged in this process,” stated Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey of Clarklake in a statement.
“At all times we must use logic, not political sentiment or ‘wokeness,’ to build good public policy that will serve all Michiganders and safeguard our democracy. If having an ID is viewed as an obstacle to voting because there is a problem getting an ID, let’s solve that problem.”
Corporations in other states are doing much the same thing as GM and Ford by trying to strongarm legislatures into removing all safeguards from the election process so more “minorities” are able to vote.
More related news about the fraudulent 2020 election and Democrat efforts to ensure that all future elections are also fraudulent can be found at Tyranny.news.
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