Full transcripts of recent Sidney Powell interviews about Dominion software voting systems and massive CRIMINAL election fraud nationwide

Full transcripts of recent Sidney Powell interviews about
Dominion software voting systems and massive CRIMINAL election
fraud nationwide 1

(Natural News) From Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.

Topics covered here: Kickbacks, Venezuela ties to Dominion Voting Systems. Criminal fraud in the election system. Elections outcomes. How votes are rigged after the fact, in the software systems.

There’s also another interview with Lou Dobbs, seemingly from Monday the 16th, at the end of these transcripts.

These are all bombshell interviews from an extremely credible attorney who never says anything she can’t prove.

First interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business:


Maria Bartiromo:
Sidney Powell, who’s part of President Trump’s legal team. Sidney before we went to the break, we talked about you said that there may have been kickbacks to some people who accepted the Dominion software. Tell me what you mean.

Sidney Powell:
Well, I mean, we are collecting evidence now from various whistleblowers that are aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought the software. We’re talking about a hundred million dollar packages for new voting machines suddenly in multiple states, and benefits ranging from financial benefits for family members to sort of what I would call election insurance, because they know that they can win the election if they are using that software.It’s really an insidious corrupt system. I can’t tell you how livid I am with our government for not paying attention to complaints, even brought by Democrats, Carolyn Maloney, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar over the last several years in written letters with expert reports, and some documentation of how corrupt the software is, and nobody in our government has paid any attention to it.Which makes me wonder how much the CIA has used it for its own benefit in different places and why Gina Haskell is still there, and the CIA is beyond my comprehension. She should be fired immediately.

Maria Bartiromo:
Which governor or which government official accepted hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits for their family as they took on this software?

Sidney Powell:
If I said hundreds of millions of dollars there, I misspoke. I don’t know the exact amount of money yet. We are still collecting the evidence on that, but it’s more than one.

Maria Bartiromo:
Okay, so you can’t say who you believe took kickbacks. What is the CIA’s role? Why do you think Gina Haskell should be fired immediately? You’re saying that the CIA is behind the Dominion or Smartmatic voting software as well?

Sidney Powell:
Well, the CIA and the FBI and other government organizations have received multiple reports of wrongdoing and failures and vulnerabilities in this company’s product. Their own manual, if you sat down and read it, it would explain how and why no honest person would use this system. It’s not just dominion, there are other companies in the voting machine business in this country too, that may very well and are likely using the same software. We’ve detected voting irregularities that are in explicable and aligned with these problems in other states that think they have valid systems, but the people who bought the Dominion system for sure knew exactly what they were getting. It should never have been installed anywhere, and we are going to show the public exactly how rotten the entire state is.

Maria Bartiromo:
Now, I have spoken with a few whistleblowers myself this weekend, and one source who is an IT specialist told me that he knows the software and specifically advised people in Texas, officials in Texas not to use it, and yet he was overruled. He said that there was a unusual patch that was put into the software while it was live, and it’s highly unusual to put a patch in there. Is that what you’re referring to? Tell me how it’s done and how these back doors work.

Sidney Powell:
Okay,that’s part of it. They can stick a thumb drive in the machine or load software to it. Even from the internet, they can do it from Germany or Venezuela even.They can remote access anything. They can watch votes in real time. They can shift votes in real time.We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used and plan to use from the beginning to modify the votes in this case, to make sure Biden won. That’s why he said he didn’t need your votes now he would need you later. He was right, I mean, in his diminished state he had no filter, and he was speaking the truth more than once, including when he said he had the largest voter fraud organization ever. Well it’s massive election fraud. It’s going to undo the entire election and they can do anything they want with the votes. They can have the machines not read the signature. They can have them, the machine’s not read the down-ballot. They can make the machines read and catalog only the Biden votes. It’s like drag and drop, whatever you want, wherever you want, upload votes. In fact, we’ve gotten math in Michigan and Pennsylvania. I think it is that all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of votes at a 67% ratio for Biden, 23% for Trump were uploaded multiple times into the system.

Maria Bartiromo:
Sidney, you say you have an affidavit from someone who knows how this system works and was there with the planning of it. You believe you can prove this?

Sidney Powell:
Yes, we have a sworn — essentially a sworn statement from a witness who knew exactly how it worked from the beginning. Why it was designed to work that way, and so when things started shutting down and they started stopped counting the votes here. That the same play that had worked in other countries.

Sidney Powell:
Wow! This is explosive and we certainly will continue to follow it. Sidney, thank you so much for your work. We will be catching up with you soon. Thank you so much.

Next interview with Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani:

This one begins with Rudy Giuliani and then goes to Sidney Powell:


Maria Bartiromo:
According to public records, dominion voting machines are used in 2000 jurisdictions in 30 States. According to experts, if one site has a flaw, other sites are likely to as well, which is why Texas rejected using Dominion software three times raising concerns that the system was not safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation. That’s troubling. Given we already know that at least two software glitches in Georgia and Michigan occurred on election night. Attorney Sidney Powell is leading the charge against dominion, and she says she has enough evidence of fraud to launch a massive criminal investigation.

Cindy, thanks very much for being here. We appreciate your time this morning. I want to get right into it. We just heard about the software made by Smartmatic from Rudy, and I want to get your take on what you report — what you and I spoke about just a few minutes ago, and that is a gentleman named Peter Neffenger. Tell me how he fits into all of this.

Sidney Powell:
Yes, well, he is listed as its former Admiral Peter Neffenger or retired Admiral Peter Neffenger. He is president and on the board of Smartmatic, and it just so happens he’s on Mr. Biden’s presidential transition team that’s going to be non-existent because we’re fixing to overturn the results of the election in multiple States. President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections. He was fully briefed on it and he saw it happened in other countries. It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and Dominion. They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They’ve done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California. We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.

Maria Bartiromo:
Wow! So, Sydney, you feel that you will be able to prove this? Do you have the software in your possession? Do you have the hardware in your possession? How will you prove this Sydney?

Sidney Powell:
Well,I’ve got lots of ways to prove it Maria, but I’m not going to tell on national TV what all we have. I just can’t do that.

Maria Bartiromo:
Okay,but you have a very time — for a small timeframe here. The elections are supposed to be certified in early December. Do you believe that you can present this to the courts and be successful within this just couple of weeks?

Sidney Powell:
Well, let me put it this way. First of all, I never say anything I can’t prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can’t even process it all. Millions of Americans have written, I would say by now definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud, but this is a massive election fraud. I’m very concerned and involved not only Dominion and Smartmatic software, but that the software essentially was used by other election machines also. It’s a software that was the problem. Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away. They can put — it’s like drag and drop Trump votes to a separate folder and then delete that folder. It’s absolutely brazen how people bought the system and why they bought this system. In fact, every state that bought dominion for sure should have a criminal investigation or at least a serious investigation of the officers in the states who bought the software. We’ve even got evidence of some kickbacks, essentially.

Maria Bartiromo:
I want to take a short break and come back on that, and I want to ask you about the kickbacks and who took kickbacks in which state city. Stay with us, quick break, and we’ve got more breaking news this morning from Sidney Powell, stay with us.

Third interview, this one with Lou Dobbs

Sorry, this one is still on YouTube only, so far. Sidney Powell discusses a “high-ranking military officer” who has become a whistleblower over the Dominion Voting Systems fraud. This is a must-listen interview. We don’t have a transcript yet:

Read the Full Article

Trump Campaign Lawsuit over Pa. Vote Heads to Court
If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

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