Democratic Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock decried Israel as an “apartheid” state during a Palm Sunday sermon in 2015, railing against Israel’s “occupation.”
Warnock aimed his fire directly at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opposition to a two-state solution in the Middle East, calling it “tantamount to saying occupation today, occupation tomorrow, occupation forever.” The phrase echoes the words of segregationist George Wallace who called for “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever.”
“If you do not have a Palestinian state, you will have apartheid in Israel that denies other citizens, sisters, and brothers citizenship, or you will have a democracy that is not a Jewish state,” Warnock blasted at the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
During his 2015 Palm Sunday Sermon, Dem. Raphael Warnock explicitly called Israel an “Apartheid” State, describing it as “a land of violence and bloodshed and occupation” and he referred to Israeli leaders as “clever politicians,” and accusing them of being “racist and vicious.”
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) December 10, 2020
The five-year-old comments surface just days after Warnock tried to back away from a separate statements critical of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.
Warnock has struggled since the November election leading to the Georgia runoff against incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler to shed his image as a radical left-wing liberal. Warnock’s victory could clinch a Democratic Senate majority equipped to pass the laundry list of items on the progressive wish list from the socialist Green New Deal to Medicare for All.
New video surfaced Wednesday featuring Warnock remembering Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro’s legacy as, “complex.”
“We pray for the people of Cuba in this moment. We remember Fidel Castro, whose legacy is complex. Don’t let anyone tell you a simple story; life usually isn’t very simple. His legacy is complex, kind of like America’s legacy is complex,” Warnock said in a 2016 sermon.
Warnock has also gone on record calling police officers gangsters and thugs.
Whoa. Tucker Carlson just exposed Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock’s disgusting comments about law enforcement.
Warnock has called police officers “gangsters and thugs” and “bullies.”
WATCH –> #GAsen #GApol
— Nathan Brand (@NathanBrandWA) September 22, 2020