
Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff: Conservatives Will Never Be Able to Show Their Faces in Public

Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff: Conservatives
Will Never Be Able to Show Their Faces in Public 1

Carycruz Bueno, a postdoctoral researcher at Brown University, tweeted about how Black Airbnb guests may actually receive trauma from looking at Trump signs.

A few weeks ago Bueno tweeted that the online vacation rental company “doesn’t understand the trauma” that Trump signs allegedly cause for Black people.

As Ben Zeisloft of Campus Reform noted, “Airbnb rentals are privately owned properties listed for short-term and long-term rental on Airbnb. Airbnb, unlike hotels, does not own the properties. It is the platform that connects private owners with renters and facilitates payments.”

Bueno claimed that when she and her husband arrived at a property they rented in Maine they saw “Trump signs and other white nationalist symbols” in the yard. Bueno recalled that she was “immediately scared” for her life and her family’s safety.

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According to Bueno’s account of the situation, Airbnb said they could do nothing to address the situation. The Brown University researcher said that this a “prime example [of] how White companies make a BLM statement,”and then proceed to “do nothing” when a Black person declares that she doesn’t “feel safe.”

Bueno is of the opinion that Airbnb is “only words no action,” and should “do better” to accommodate the grievances of so-called persecuted groups.

She also advocated for the establishment of a “greenbook version of AirBnB” in order for BIPOC (black indigenous people of color) not have “to pay to feel uncomfortable and scared.”

Bueno even went as far as to say that the American flag could serve as a symbol “used in many places to scare Black people,” on top of KKK and Confederate symbols.

Several conservative students on campus were not happy with Bueno’s remarks.

Brown University Students for Trump President Emma Rae Phillips said to Campus Reform that she is “disappointed by Bueno’s comments.”

Phillips is an economics major and observed that Bueno’s “tweets do not seem to show much understanding of how free markets work” given how people who use Airbnb can patronize other services instead.

Additionally, she noted that “American flags and Trump signs are not racist in any way, shape, or form.”

With how radically indoctrinated many students have become, you can only expect the most outlandish of behavior coming from these students. Late stage political correctness if you will.

Conservatives may have to social distance themselves from these institutions of higher learning. They’re more like indoctrination centers at this point.

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