Experienced poll workers in Georgia were fired after they blew the whistle on suspicious activity in Fulton County. One had 20 years on the job and another, 9 years. They both said it seems like election officials prefer to hire people with little to no experience rather than experienced workers.
Just a few weeks after testifying before Georgia State Senate, three poll workers with decades of experience were terminated with no explanation, only a letter saying that the supervisor has decided not to reappoint them.
“Fraud, deceit, abuse of the system and that’s all I was trying to point out to those that are in charge and I’ve been trying to do this [in] more than this election,” said Suzie Voyales, a former poll manager in Fulton County.
Suzie Voyales has been a poll manager in Fulton County for 20 years, and this year she spoke out about a number of election irregularities. She said she saw stacks of flat, unfolded absentee ballots marked the same way as if they were copied from one another that went 98 percent for Biden.
“Our country was founded on the idea of liberty and personal responsibility. I was thinking back to what the soldiers at Valley Forge went through. They were in the snow, they had dysentery, their feet were wrapped with cloths because their shoes were just totally worn out, they’d been away from their family for over two years and yet they persisted on what they believed was the dream of liberty for all of us, to go on. They were not intimidated and I will not be intimidated,” said Voyales.
“And I’m also trying to keep it so that we have a country that those who cannot live in their homelands because things are so oppressive, still have a place to come to for liberty.”
Another woman who was terminated, Bridget Thorne, testified about a lack of security in the Fulton County warehouse. Thorne said she witnessed a situation where just anyone could print sample ballots, which looked identical to regular ballots.
Thorne told NTD in a previous interview that’s odd how elections officials seemed more eager to hire inexperienced poll workers over experienced ones.
“And yet for me to get that position I had to send multiple emails. Who do I go to, who’s hiring, this person isn’t responding,” said Bridget Thorne, a former poll manager in Fulton County.
“People who are qualified aren’t getting asked to help.”
Voyales shared her sentiments and said she saw major gaps in training which led to the chaotic scenes many have witnessed in Fulton County. One poll watcher told NTD he was given a suitcase of ballots to take within minutes of being there to observe.
“So he offers me a suitcase of ballots. And how little security there is there was freaking me out,” said Hale Souce, a poll watcher in Fulton and Cobb counties.
“When they are hiring 17-year-olds who have never even worked a poll, to manage a poll, and they’re all partisan—this sounds like it’s serving a dual purpose,” said Voyales.
That’s why Voyales says she’s determined to continue to expose any potential illegal votes or irregularities.
She’s in good spirits because she’s doing what she feels is right and encourages others in all other states under investigation to “press on and be honest.”
From NTD News