With all eyes on Georgia as it prepares for a runoff election
that likely will determine which party controls the Senate, the
radical background of Democratic candidate Rafael Warnock has come
under close scrutiny.
Already, the campaign of Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler has
seized on Warnock’s condemnation of “whiteness” from the pulpit and
his former church’s hosting of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
Now, video has surface of Warnock declaring in a 2011 sermon
that Americans cannot serve God while also serving in the U.S.
the Washington Free Beacon reported.
The Free Beacon noted Georgia is home to the fifth largest
active duty military population in the country.
“America, nobody can serve God and the military,” Warnock said
in the sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where he
serves as senior pastor. “You can’t serve God and money. You cannot
serve God and mammon at the same time.
“America choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose ye this
day!” he said.
Video previously surfaced of Warnock declaring “America needs to
repent for its worship of whiteness.” His mentorship under the late
“critical race theory” theologian James Cone also has drawn
attention. Cone, who said that white Christians practice the
“theology of the Antichrist” and described white people as
“satanic,” influenced Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah
Warnock was an associate pastor at a church in New York City
when it hosted and enthusiastically celebrated Cuban dictator Fidel
Castro in 1995. Warnock’s campaign has argued he was a junior
member of the staff at the time and was not a decision-maker.
However, the church also hosted Castro in 1960. And Warnock has
refused to say whether or not he attended the event. The Miami
Herald reported at the time that Castro “blast[ed] the United
States with the vigor that was missing from his speech to the
United Nations earlier in the day and winding up the evening with a
rousing rendition of the socialist hymn Internationale.”
Head pastor Calvin Butts can be seen in C-SPAN coverage of the
event praising Castro, prompting chants from the audience of
“Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!”
The Free Beacon said Warnock’s campaign did not respond to a
request for comment.
See Warnock’s 2011 denunciation of military
The post Georgia
Senate candidate: ‘Nobody can serve God and the military’
appeared first on WND.