
Georgia’s Perdue and Loeffler Promise Never to Support Illegal Alien Amnesty

Georgia’s Perdue and Loeffler Promise Never to Support
Illegal Alien Amnesty 1

Georgia Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler have promised not to support Democrat amnesty legislation for illegal immigrants, making the policy pledge in statements provided to Breitbart News.

Sen. Loeffler is opposed to amnesty, absolutely. … She will never support amnesty,” Loeffler’s deputy campaign manager Stephen Lawson told Breitbart.

“Sen. Perdue has always opposed amnesty, and that will never change,” said a Perdue spokesman. “If Jon Ossoff wins in January, he will vote for Schumer and Pelosi’s plan to give illegal immigrants voting rights.

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Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has pledged to secure full citizenship and welfare rights for nearly every illegal alien living in America, touting amnesty proposals that would deputize anywhere between 11 and 30 million aliens as new citizens.

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David’s been my friend for a long time… A long, long time. There’s no one in Washington who’s more respected than David Perdue,” said Donald Trump at his Saturday night Valdosta rally. “Senator Perdue has been a tremendous leader on pro-American immigration like nobody else. He voted very powerfully when I was going through hell for the wall.

Perdue has previously introduced the RAISE Act in the Senate, a law that would’ve considerably lowered the current record-setting levels of annual migration to the United States and replaced the arbitrary visa lottery and chain migration systems with a new merit-based approach. The President reiterated his support for the Georgia Republicans on Saturday’s MAGA rally.

Both Democrat candidates, including perennial candidate Jon Ossoff and radical liberal Raphael Warnock, have endorsed wide-ranging amnesty and immigration proposals that go well beyond what Chuck Schumer has pledged to enact.

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