
Giuliani says enough evidence exists to overturn election results in Pennsylvania

Giuliani says enough evidence exists to overturn election
results in Pennsylvania 1

(Natural News) As many as 900,000 ballots may have been illegally cast in Pennsylvania, according to Rudy Giuliani, who believes that President Trump could end up winning the Keystone State when all the dust settles.

Speaking to Fox News, Trump’s personal lawyer told host Maria Bartiromo that pending lawsuits will more than likely reveal widespread vote fraud in Pennsylvania, ultimately leading to an upset in favor of Trump.

When asked by Bartiromo if he believes that the number of fraudulent votes in Pennsylvania is enough, assuming they get thrown out, to change the results of the election, Giuliani offered a reasoned response.

“Well, I think we have enough to change Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania election was a disaster,” he stated.

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“We have people that observed people being pushed out of the polling place. We have people who were suggested to vote the other way and shown how to do it. I’m giving you the big picture.”

Republican observers in Pittsburgh, for instance, were “kept out of the room or kept away from the room” where mail-in ballots were being counted for a full 24 hours. During this time, some 135,000 ballots were counted with zero oversight from Trump supporters.

The Trump team then went to court and demanded access to the ballot counting area, only to have election workers further thwart their efforts by moving all of the counting tables further away from the viewing location.

“Even though we went to court, and we were allowed to move six feet closer, the Democrat-machine people moved the counting place six feet further away,” Giuliani claims.

“This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses.”

When the Supreme Court deals with Pennsylvania, Trump is likely to win it back

The Trump team is also looking into ballots that were illegally cast for dead people, as well as “back-dated” ballots that were received after the legal deadline but that had their dates altered.

According to Giuliani, evidence has already been collected from the Post Office and elsewhere to prove that some ballots, “about 2,000 or 3,000 votes,” were illegally back-dated before being counted.

Assuming the courts consider this evidence and follow the law, the Trump campaign is expected to assume a victory in Pennsylvania.

“He’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” Giuliani stated at a press conference over the weekend.

“Courts set aside elections when they’re illegal. There certainly is enough evidence to disqualify a certain number of ballots.”

The Trump campaign has lodged numerous complaints in Pennsylvania alone, as Trump had the largest lead in that state compared to all of the other contested states, only to lose it in the final hour to Biden’s excess of 28,800 votes.

These 28,800 votes are what delivered Biden the 20 electoral votes that he needed to breach 270, at least according to the numbers being reported by the media.

With only a 0.5 percent lead in Pennsylvania, Biden will almost certainly face a recount in that state, and possibly even an election redo, depending on what the courts decide.

“This is election fraud,” tweeted Harmeet K. Dhillon. “More whistleblowers are stepping up. If you are an election worker in one of the disputed states – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia – the integrity of this election requires that you step forward with the truth!”

Perhaps the biggest story not being talked about concerning Pennsylvania specifically is the state’s violation of the Constitution. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court illegally changed state law on elections without the approval of lawmakers, which means all votes tallied after the deadline could be invalidated.

“The state legislature, not the courts, make laws,” tweeted Jenny Beth Martin. “All unconditional changes they made could be nullified by the SCOTUS.”

The latest revelations from the ongoing election saga can be found at

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