Election Fraud

GOP Chair Hammers Pelosi for Trying to Unseat Republican Rep By Changing Election Results

GOP Chair Hammers Pelosi for Trying to Unseat Republican Rep
By Changing Election Results 1

The Republican National Committee chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, went after Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her hypocrisy for trying to “steal” a seat held by GOP Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa.

The Des Moines Register reported Wednesday that Miller-Meeks won the closest election in U.S. history since 1974, edging out Democratic contender Rita Hart by just six votes.

The final tally in Iowa’s 2nd congressional district came following a recount, after which the bipartisan Iowa State Canvassing Board then certified Miller-Meeks as the winner in late November.

Rather than challenge the result in state court, Hart went to the Democratically controlled House to seek to overturn the result.

The matter is currently before the Committee on House Administration, chaired by Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California.

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Hart is claiming if 22 discarded mailed-in ballots were counted, she would have won the race by nine votes rather than lose by six, according to CNN.

Hart’s campaign released some voter testimonies stating their ballots were improperly tossed due to issues with the envelopes.

“The lawyers for the two sides have until Monday to send their initial briefs to a House panel, which voted on party lines last week to consider the case. The House, which Democrats control by a 219-211 margin, could ultimately decide the election,” CNN reported.

Pelosi confirmed last week that the House may vote to overturn the decision of the Iowa State Canvassing Board, remove Miller-Meeks and seat Hart.

Do you think having Congress review the election results for Miller-Meeks’ seat is unfair?

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“There could be a scenario to that extent,” the speaker told Fox News congressional reporter Chad Pergram.

McDaniel responded to that prospect tweeting a statement Pelosi made in December 2017 following a Senate special election in Alabama.

“In our House, when someone gets elected, we seat them. We enfranchise their voters — Republican or Democratic,” Pelosi said.

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McDaniel wrote, “A bipartisan group has confirmed that @millermeeks won her seat.”

“It’s time for Pelosi and Congressional Democrats to stop trying to steal it.”

It’s worth noting that just a few months ago, House Democrats voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, claiming he incited an insurrection by calling into question the 2020 election results.

There were several irregularities in swing states that deserved a closer look.

In most instances, there were no recounts in such states as occurred in Iowa’s 2nd district.

The Democrats further argued that courts had reviewed Trump’s and supporters’ claims and rejected them (albeit without actually having evidentiary hearings in most instances).

Hart didn’t even bother to go to court — just to the partisan House.

“Let me elucidate the facts. I won by a very large margin on election night,” Miller-Meeks told Fox News last week.

“Then per Iowa law, all the counties in the 2nd Congressional District have their official county canvas. After that country canvas, I was still ahead in votes,” she added.

Miller-Meeks stated that she remained ahead following a recount conducted by a bipartisan board in each of the 24 counties in the district.

She went on to note that the House voted on Jan. 3 to seat every member who had been certified the winner in their respective races.

“Every Democrat voted that every member should be seated, and no one contested, no one stood up on the House floor and contested my being sworn in as the congresswoman from the 2nd Congressional District,” Miller-Meeks said.

“If it’s not enough to win an election by six votes, then why is it enough to have six votes of Democrats on a commission to overturn an election?” she asked.

“Iowa law is what determines what our election processes is, how the ballots are included, and all of that was done.”

The question all this raises is not difficult: Is a partisan House panel in Washington, D.C., best able to review the facts or a bipartisan body in Iowa, where the election occurred and the evidence exists?

It is no doubt a tough pill for Pelosi and the Democrats to swallow that they lost so many seats when they expected to increase their numbers in the House.

History would certainly dictate when the top of the ticket does well those running down-ballot with the same party do too.

Not so in 2020. Republicans won every toss-up district and even a few Democrats were supposed to win handily.

However, the answer for Pelosi and the Democrats is not to try to take one of those wins away. Rather, it is to convince voters the next go-around why their candidate is better.

That is not likely how it’s going to go for Democrats in 2022, but that’s the way our system works.

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