
Group Claiming To Be Michigan GOP Electors Locked Out of Capitol, Police Used To Bar Entrance

Group Claiming To Be Michigan GOP Electors Locked Out of
Capitol, Police Used To Bar Entrance 1

Republicans in contested battleground states across the country sent alternate electors out to cast votes for President Donald Trump on Monday.

Stephen Miller, the senior adviser to President Trump, told Fox News the move was to preserve the possibility of using those alternates in the event legal challenges to the election are successful before and up until Jan. 20, 2021.

It’s unclear if the votes cast by the alternate electors will equate to anything meaningful to the overall picture. Their votes could end up being largely symbolic as the Electoral College prepares to crown Democrat Joe Biden president.

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If the president is not successful in overturning election results in the contested states, the decision to send out alternate electors might be viewed by many as a symbolic stance against voter fraud and against tyranny from corrupt election officials.

If that ends up being the case, then actions taken in Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s state played right into the hands of those who contend the election was stolen by the corrupt, opaque Democratic machine.

A group claiming to be alternate GOP electors was barred from entering the Michigan state Capitol in Lansing. The Michigan State Police blocked the door, refusing to verify their identities or let them in.

Reporter Riley Beggin from The Detroit News shared video of the move on Twitter.

“They said that they were the Republican electors there to cast their vote for president. State police declined to let them enter the building or leave votes offered in a manila envelope,” Beggin wrote.

Other videos shared on Twitter from independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager showed the Republicans being stopped at the door and being told “the electors are already here, they’ve been checked in.”

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In one video, an officer told them, “If you have a problem, you can contact the Governor’s office.”

It’s difficult to imagine that avenue leading to anywhere meaningful. If Whitmer was the reason the representatives from the state’s Republican Party were denied entry, it wouldn’t come as a surprise. She’s become synonymous with blocking law-abiding people in her state from lawfully entering buildings all year.

Gutenschwager later posted that the Capitol was closed due to “credible threats of violence,” so that meant no one was allowed in.

Alternate electors in the battleground states of Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania fared much better Monday. They were allowed into their respective locations to cast alternate votes for Trump, and not Biden, as the Electoral College convened.

Whitmer has ruled Michigan since March with an iron fist. The Democrat was naturally the lone state executive who used state resources to snuff out what might ultimately become a peaceful protest to what millions of Americans feel is a stolen election.

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Are the Democrats not the party of peacefully protesting? Apparently not in this case.

In an election that has been missing transparency from swing-state Democrats, today’s events in Michigan likely won’t go a long way with regard to restoring public faith in free and fair elections.

Stunts such as the one displayed in Lansing are precisely why so many voters are losing trust in the process. Democrats, since the coronavirus pandemic gave them the pretext to change election procedures in the 11th hour, have been evasive, secretive and dismissive of valid concerns about voting integrity.

It appears Democrats will also remain petty and dictatorial until the bitter end.

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