Hollywood Celebrities Double Down On Pushing Democrat-Backed H.R.1, Which Would Gut Voter ID Requirements

Hollywood Celebrities Double Down On Pushing Democrat-Backed
H.R.1, Which Would Gut Voter ID Requirements 1

Hollywood celebrities are doubling down on pushing the Democrat-backed H.R. 1 — the so-called “For the People Act” — which would gut voter identification requirements, protect illegal immigrants, and seize power from states to oversee their own elections.

As part of the hard sell, stars are spinning the legislation as a necessary antidote to — you guessed it — “voter suppression,” arguing the federal bill will counterbalance the “anti-voter” laws being passed by states like Georgia. Actors promoting H.R. 1 include Paul Bettany, Jane Lynch, Josh Gad, and Chelsea Handler.

Republican leaders in Congress have condemned H.R.1, saying it will create chaos and badly damage the electoral system if it passes the Senate. They have pointed to the bill’s provision that would essentially prevent states from enforcing their own voter identification laws, opening the door for voter fraud on a massive scale.

The law would also protect illegal aliens from prosecution if they are registered to vote automatically and never made an affirmative declaration that they were U.S. citizens.

As Breitbart News reported, a slew of Hollywood stars including Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks has already voiced their support for the bill via an initiative from former first lady Michelle Obama. Other stars promoting the bill include Amy Schumer, George Takei, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Eva Longoria.

The Hollywood offensive continues with aggressive social media campaigning by a new slew of stars. Paul Bettany — who has appeared in The Da Vinci Code, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, and A Beautiful Mind — urged his fans to help “build momentum” for the bill.

Like many stars, Bettany promoted an effort from the left-wing Declaration for American Democracy Coalition, which is sponsoring a “Week of Action” around the bill that ends Friday.

The West Wing star Bradley Whitford called H.R. 1 “the most consequential piece of legislation in decades.” Comedian-actress Jane Lynch seconded his call, urging her fans to “join the fight for voting rights.”

Disney’s Frozen and Beauty and the Beast star Josh Gad targeted Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who has indicated he will break with Democrats over the bill.

Covert Affairs star Piper Perabo argued H.R. 1 will help to combat voter suppression.

Hamilton star Phillipa Soo claimed H.R.1 will help end “voter suppression” and “gerrymandering.”

Other stars promoting the “Week of Action” include Chelsea Handler, Rosanna Arquette, Michael Kelly, and Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at [email protected].

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