
HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout – 78% of Trump Voters Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen

HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout – 78% of Trump Voters
Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen 1

The media did all it could to ignore the stolen 2020 presidential election.
Democrats and Liz Cheney lashed out at Trump voters who questioned the IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS and witnessed the numerous inconsistencies and instances of fraud.

The 2020 election fraud has been well documented but COMPLETELY IGNORED by the mainstream fake news media.
Mainstream outlets rebuffed accusations of fraud but NEVER ONCE looked into the accusations.

Here are three of over 200 articles on The Gateway Pundit documenting the historic fraud in this year’s election.

New Detailed Inventory on Election Fraud in the 2020 Election by Deroy Murdock Provides Strong Evidence on President Trump’s Performance in All the Swing States and Overall Race

TRENDING: HUGE! CNN-NPR Photo-Journalist Jade Sacker was Embedded with Antifa Leader John Sullivan During Siege of US Capitol – Cheered “We Did It!” After Inciting Riot (VIDEO)

Attorney Sidney Powell Releases 270 Page Document on Massive 2020 Election Fraud Involving Foreign Interference

2020 Election Fraud Benefiting Biden Occurred Everywhere – Even Hamilton County Indiana Reported Impossible Results

On Thursday Trump-hater Frank Luntz admitted that 91% of Trump voters would vote for him again (probably higher) and 78% of of Trump voters believe the election was rigged and stolen.

This had to hurt for Frank to admit this.

Do you believe the election was stolen?

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Here is more proof of the organized fraud in the 2020 election.

HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout – 78% of Trump Voters
Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen 2

HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout – 78% of Trump Voters
Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen 3

HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout – 78% of Trump Voters
Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen 4

HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout – 78% of Trump Voters
Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen 5

Read the Full Article

President Trump Please CREATE AN EXECUTIVE ORDER and Have the Ballots and Images from the 2020 Election Audited in Swing States Using the Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Method
Longtime California Democrat, Barbara Boxer, is now registered as a foreign agent of communist China

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