ICE Account Gets Suspended From Twitter as Open Borders Radicals Gloat about the Censorship

ICE Account Gets Suspended From Twitter as Open Borders
Radicals Gloat about the Censorship 1

The official Twitter account for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was suspended from the platform earlier today before being reinstated.

This is what the official ICE account looked like while it was taken down:

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A fake ICE page made by far-left extremists posted a couple of gloating comments that have since been removed from the platform.

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“Us disappearing on Twitter is a sign we need to be abolished.#AbolishICE,” the phony account wrote.

“We’ve begun the process of abolishment,” it continued.

Illegal aliens were also happy about the apparent censorship of ICE on the platform as well:

After ICE was reinstated on the platform, they released the following tweet blaming their suspension on a mysterious “technical glitch”:

This suspension came at a time when ICE is protecting children by working with international partners to arrest over 100 child sex criminals.

“This collaborative effort by ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations and its foreign law enforcement partners has put dangerous criminals behind bars and, most importantly, has led to the rescue of innocent children,” said ICE Attaché for Brazil and Bolivia, Robert Fuentes Jr. about their sweep of 113 child predators.

“Thank you to our Brazilian partners for their unwavering efforts over the last five years to combat child exploitation through Operation Protected Childhood. And to our partners who have most recently joined our operation, we look forward to the continued fight and relentless effort to put a stop to this horrific crime,” Fuentes Jr. added.

Breaking 911 posted some of the most recent victories from ICE and their Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) division in keeping children safe from predators:

– HSI Raleigh, North Carolina, Nov. 6: HSI and the Cary Police Department executed a federal arrest warrant on a suspect for the production, transportation, and possession of child pornography. HSI Raleigh received a lead from C3 regarding a suspect posting child pornography in Kik chat rooms. Forensics located hundreds of images of child pornography, to include several naked images of his children. A warrant was subsequently issued for the subject’s arrest.

– HSI Panama City, Florida, Nov. 5: HSI and the Lynn Haven Police Department executed a residential search warrant for possession and distribution of child pornography. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children provided information indicating that the target of investigation had used the Facebook Messenger app to distribute files of child pornography. One individual was arrested on scene for child exploitative material. Two additional individuals were arrested during the search warrant for narcotics possession.

– HSI Knoxville, Tennessee, and the Knoxville Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC)Task Force, Nov. 6: HSI and the Knoxville ICAC Task Force executed a federal search warrant at a local residence regarding peer to peer file sharing software and child pornography on his computer.

– HSI Nashville, Tennessee, Nov. 4: HSI, FBI, U.S. Secret Service, and the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office executed a multi-agency residential search warrant in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, concerning the accessing of child exploitation Darknet websites.

– HSI Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Nov. 5: HSI executed a residential search warrant for the possession and distribution of child pornography in Brownsville, Pennsylvania. HSI Pittsburgh initiated an investigation on a suspect based on lead information provided by Kik, Inc, indicating that the suspect had used the Kik app to distribute files of child pornography.

– HSI Northridge, California, Nov 4: HSI executed a residential search warrant for possession and distribution of child pornography in West Hills, California. HSI Northridge initiated an investigation at the residence based on lead information provided by HSI McAllen, Texas and Twitter, indicating that a target at the residence had used Twitter direct messaging to distribute files of child pornography.

– HSI Denver, Colorado, Nov. 6: HSI’s Colorado Cyber Guardian Task Force executed four federal search warrants in the Denver metro area based on the exchange of images of child sexual abuse material.

There have been too many of these sort of “glitches” done by Big Tech for it to be a coincidence. They are actively at war with rule-of-law agencies like ICE that protect the well-being of children.

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