(Natural News) “It’s not over till Fat Lady sings.” (A saying, stemming from operas, meaning the Opera is almost over or is over.)
(Article by William Wyttenbach, M.D., republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
In a sensing, there are several fat ladies in this scenario metaphorically speaking.
A. The US Supreme Court can be considered a metaphorical fat lady. Can order election invalid due to voting fraud.
Do NOT forget…. DOJ Bill Barr and US Senator are holding their own separate investigations into rampant 2020 election criminal voting fraud.
B. The Electoral College under rule of law of our Constitution & Bill of Rights has the complete constitutional authority to elect their electors in that state.; actually the ONLY US Constitutional Authority to elect a United States President.
There is no obligation of the state legislatures to be obligated to vote in terms of a popular vote. Therefore in their review and their investigations, they are totally within rule of law to elect electors that are conservative and would vote for POTUS Trump in his re-election.
(While I understand most snowflakes have barely even heard of The Constitution let alone understand it; this is Constitutional law.)
State government party control in battleground states following the 2020 election.
Wisconsin: After the 2020 election cycle, control of state government in Wisconsin was divided, with Democrats holding the governorship and Republicans holding both chambers of the state legislature.
Arizona: Republican leaders of the Arizona Legislature declared victory Friday as their party’s candidates held on to leads in several competitive races for seats at the state Capitol.
Pennsylvania: After the 2020 election cycle, Pennsylvania remained under divided government.
Republican flips from divided power to trifecta control in 2020 were in: Montana: Republicans won control of the governorship. New Hampshire: Republicans won control of the state Senate and House.
If Republicans hold the net gain of two trifectas, the country will have 23 Republican-held trifectas, 15 Democratic-held trifectas, and 12 divided governments.
Georgia: Currently ballots AUDITED and hand counted. Republican Gov. & State House & Senate
C. LEGAL challenges NOW ongoing in 11 states.
Audit and Recounting: IMO, Trump is elected then metaphorically the fat lady’s song is over. The opera is over, Trump’s second term – POTUS #46.
Vote fraud: software in computer voting machines in 32 states..(DOMINION company)
Parts from China used to rigged election for Biden.
Without the vote fraud, Trump wins with 307 electoral votes
The website EveryLegalVote.com shows the real election results once you remove all the vote theft.
Without vote theft: Trump wins with 307 electoral votes as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. With vote theft: Biden wins with 304 electoral votes.
Fraud has been detected and documented in nearly all the swing states, including PA, MI, WI, GA and VA:
While unconfirmed, there are many reports of dead people voting.
Sharpie-Gate: Voided ballots….ink bleed thru. Voided ballots even though local electoral precinct handed out sharpies not ballpoint pens.
States like Michigan refused adequate poll watchers proper distance to monitor…
Surge of ballots only for Biden at 4am in Michigan. (Called a ‘typo’ by the mainstream media!)
Eyewitnesses in Affidavit under penalty of perjury…..same by postal workers…..told to back date-stamp late ballots..
IMO, once Biden under rule of law is declared as the news media’s ‘Projected President elect’..it is VOID under rule of law, and criminal voting fraud. However, SCOTUS will invalidate the election under rule of law and hard facts.
Trump has fired former Defense Secretary Mark Esper and is cleaning house at the DoD in order to get the Pentagon ready for military arrests of the traitors who carried out this engineered election theft.
Hundreds (or thousands) of people will eventually be arrested and charged with various crimes, including conspiracy and sedition. Many of the deep state players who worked under Obama will go to prison once this is all said and done.
The insane, radical Left-wing lunatics in America will explode with rage and violence once the election is announced for Trump, and this will almost certainly lead to President Trump invoking the Insurrection Act and deploying troops on the streets to take down left-wing terrorists.
At this time, America will be plunged into significant chaos and violence, which is sadly unavoidable as part of the process of draining the swamp and putting down left-wing terrorists. Massive arrests. Emergency broadcast system, televised military tribunal trials,.. Not corrupted civilian criminal courts. ….treason convictions,.. Hangings..
All American patriots are advised to double check their rifles, ammo and red dot sights. This situation is absolutely going kinetic, most likely within the next 70 days. But the good news is that Trump holds all the cards and has all the evidence of vote theft that he needs to win.
D. 70 million hunters in this Republic nation …republic = rule of law. The largest instant standing civilian militia army in the World.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com and AltLeft.news.