JUST IN: Pelosi Forced to Delay Vote on $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Due to Democrat Infighting

JUST IN: Pelosi Forced to Delay Vote on $1.2 Trillion
Infrastructure Bill Due to Democrat Infighting 1

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was forced to delay a vote on the $1.2 trillion ‘bipartisan’ infrastructure bill Thursday evening.

The progressives derailed Pelosi’s planned vote because they want to vote on the $1.2 trillion bill at the same time the senate votes on the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema are refusing to sign on to the $3.5 trillion bill so Pelosi took the loss on Thursday.

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Fox News reported:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer informed members that a vote on the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill will not occur tonight. Negotiations will continue for at least one more day.

The delay occurred despite days of negotiations spearheaded by President Biden, top members of his administration, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., left the Capitol building shortly after midnight Friday morning, as did White House liasons Brian Deese and Susan Rice, and moderate Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J.

Democrats failed to come to an agreement on their reconciliation bill Thursday and thus weren’t able to convince moderates get on board with the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

The failure to come to a deal Thursday doesn’t necessarily mean that Democrats won’t be able to get either of these pieces of legislation passed. But it is a major blow to Democrats, who emphasized the urgency of both bills and targeted the month of September to pass them.

Earlier Thursday Pelosi was very smug (and sounded drunk) when a reporter asked her if the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill would pass the House.


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