
Left-Wing Activist Group Launches Strategic Harassment Campaign Targeting Trump Election Lawyers

Left-Wing Activist Group Launches Strategic Harassment
Campaign Targeting Trump Election Lawyers 1

Shutdown DC, the same group that organized protests to “make sure Trump leaves the White House” by any means necessary after the Nov. 3 election and teaches people how to “punch a Nazi,” is assigning people on its email list to harass lawyers from one of the firms representing the Trump Campaign in election lawsuits.

King & Spalding is a Georgia-based firm that the Trump Campaign has used in lawsuits before.

“Here’s what you do: Call and email the King & Spalding lawyer below and tell them how you feel about what their firm is doing,” the email reads, providing scripts for phone calls and templates for emails. “We have divided up the list of lawyers who work at the firm so that together we can contact a huge number of people – and this is your assigned person.”

The scripts allege that the lawsuits highlighted by the campaign are “meritless,” “outrageous,” and a “disgrace.” It also claims that any attorney involved in the lawsuits “is pursuing frivolous lawsuits for the Trump campaign that are undermining our democracy and attempting to silence the voices of Black and brown voters.”

“Your firm is undermining our already fragile democracy, and I’m asking you to stop working for Trump,” the phone script reads.

“You are complicit in Trump’s effort to bully and cheat his way through this election and impede a stable and safe transfer of presidential power,” the email template adds.

The email also brags that “public pressure works” after claiming that another law firm associated with the legal fights in key states, Porter Wright, “announced that they were dropping out of the post-election lawsuit they had filed for Trump in Pennsylvania.”

Earlier this week, the NeverTrump, Democrat PAC known as The Lincoln Project, called on its followers to badger two attorneys helping represent the Trump Campaign in election lawsuits by advertising their pictures and contact information in a tweet that read “make them famous.”

Twitter eventually removed the post for violating its terms of service, but the Lincoln Project continued to hound the law firms associated with the Trump Campaign by calling for its supporters to bully the lawyers on professional networking website LinkedIn, asking “how they can work for an organization trying to overturn the will of the American people.”

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