Urges voters to contact their legislators to ‘take action.
Trump attorney and senior adviser to the Trump campaign, Jenna Ellis, said that Georgia state lawmakers appeared to be “very interested” in the evidence presented in the state’s capital on Dec. 3.
Georgia’s Senate Government Oversight Committee and Senate Judiciary Subcommittee each held a hearing at 9:30 a.m. and about 1 p.m. respectively. Both hearings sought to evaluate the election process to ensure the integrity of the state’s voting process. The second hearing examined testimonies that alleged voting irregularities or fraud.
Ellis told NTD News, “The legislators seem very interested in the testimony, particularly the video, because that corroborates the affidavits that we already had. And seeing that, I think just provides even more evidence and it’s very compelling.”
#GeorgiaHearing: Trump’s Attorney @JennaEllisEsq said the committee seems very interested in the evidence. “Particularly the video. Because that corroborates the affidavits… Seeing that, I think provides even more evidence and it’s very compelling.” pic.twitter.com/8tupgPqifK
— NTD News (@news_ntd) December 4, 2020
Ellis was referring to surveillance footage released during the hearing that appears to show four poll workers in Fulton County processing ballots in the middle of the night with no observers.
Jacki Pick, a lawyer volunteering with the Trump campaign’s legal case, told Georgia state senators that the team received the footage from State Farm Arena’s vote-tabulation center in Fulton County, Georgia. According to witness testimony, the area shown on the surveillance video was where absentee and military ballots were being tabulated on Nov. 3.
WATCH: Footage of State Farm Arena in #Atlanta shows that after poll monitors and media were told counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count #ballots, at times pulling out suitcases containing ballots from underneath desks.
Watch full video: https://t.co/EHnM5HZFWj pic.twitter.com/xuT8Svgxbr
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) December 3, 2020
Republican state senators at the hearing emphasized that signatures for absentee ballots cast in Georgia’s general election need to be audited.
Other witness testimonies were presented in the afternoon hearing, alleging multiple voting irregularities at ballot counting locations.
Following the hearing, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said on public television that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger should order a signature audit of votes in the state.
The latest hearings in Georgia come amid a contested presidential election that has yet to deduce a clear winner in the race for the presidency amid allegations of voting irregularities and fraud.
Commenting on the current situation across the country, Ellis told NTD, “Clearly, it was a coordinated effort and there was a huge problem with all of the mail-in ballots. President Trump has been saying this from the very beginning, that this type of mail-in system is very rife for this kind of fraud. And this is all about election officials disobeying the laws of their general assemblies in their states.”
Of the approach being taken to deal with the situation, the Trump attorney said, “We’re on two tracks, where we have these state legislator hearings and the state legislatures can take action on their own and we believe that they should with this very clear and convincing evidence of fraud.
“And then we also have the judicial track, where we’re asking the judicial branch and judges to make sure to protect election integrity and compel the state legislatures to fulfill their constitutional obligations.
“We’re looking forward to continuing the fight and President Trump, of course, is not giving up. He’s very willing to defend election integrity, not only for the outcome of this election, but for every election in the future. It’s so important to make sure that we protect our freedoms.”
Ellis said that every concerned citizen should contact their legislator and ask them to take action.
“They [the legislators] are the representatives of the voice of the people,” she said. “And when the people’s vote—they’ve been disenfranchised through this type of corruption and it’s irredeemably compromised—the state legislators are the ones where the Constitution specifically vest with the responsibility and the authority, and we believe the obligation and the duty to make sure that corruption does not prevail. And so every concerned citizen should contact their legislature and ask them to take action.”
She added, “Right now, the Electoral College votes on Dec. 14, so we have just a couple of weeks, but certainly, that vote isn’t certified until Jan. 6, and so there’s still time for the legislature to take action—whether or not they call for a new special election, whether they put forward a different delegate according to the will of the people.
“That really is their constitutional obligation and how they choose to exercise it.”
The Epoch Times won’t declare a winner of the 2020 presidential election until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved.