A stunning evening of off-year election victories for Republicans has far-left Democrats fuming at the usual suspects: Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.
The GOP swept the highest offices in Virginia and flipped a Texas state House seat in a district that President Joe Biden won by 14 points in 2020. New Jersey Republicans also did unexpectedly well in races that left Democrats reeling.
But rather than take Glenn Youngkin’s victory over Terry McAuliffe in Virginia for what it was — a rejection of bad ideas — Twitter’s blue checkmarks blamed two moderate Democrats for opposing trillions in spending on Biden’s radical agenda.
Just look at the vitriol directed at the only two rational Democrats in the Senate:
Don’t hesitate to blame Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for the miserable election night Democrats just experienced. Manchin and Sinema obstructed Joe Biden and the vast majority of Democrats from governing. That did real damage to Democratic candidates.https://t.co/MZjlZv0LMp
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) November 3, 2021
Multiple reasons Dems are having a hard time right now. But they’d surely be doing better if Joe Manchin hadn’t spent months futzing around and denying them the ability to claim that things were getting done.
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 3, 2021
I hope every Democrat in the White House is ringing Manchin and Sinema and giving them an earful tonight. Thier obstruction helped drag down Democratic enthusiasm, not to mention Biden’s abject failure to pass constituent specific legislation like Police reform
— Dr. Jason Johnson (@DrJasonJohnson) November 3, 2021
Kaine: “Look, congressional Dems hurt Terry McAuliffe. I mean, I’m gonna be blunt, it’s humbling to say it. But if we had been able to deliver infrastructure & reconciliation in mid October, he could have sold universal pre K, affordable childcare, infrastructure, creating jobs.”
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) November 3, 2021
How is it that Democrats always seem to take the opposite of the message sent to them by voters? Last night’s results were a repudiation of the Democratic Party — with the possible exception of Manchin and Sinema.
As Democrats conduct their reactionary autopsies of elections that saw their party expelled from power in Virginia, they’re blaming all the wrong people.
They ought to direct their ire at Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the far-left wing of the party that attempted to throw away the future of another generation of Americans.
Of course, we know Democrats generally are incapable of honestly assessing themselves and what they’ve done to working Americans. They’ve taxed the poor through inflation, they’ve forced people to take vaccines they don’t want and they’ve resorted to gaslighting everyone who isn’t happy about all of that and more.
Instead of moving to the middle ahead of the 2022 midterms, the party will no doubt double down on identity politics, weaponizing government agencies and pushing trillions in unnecessary spending. They will force all of this on the people who made it abundantly clear on Tuesday that they don’t want their country made over by the radical left.
Manchin and Sinema are convenient scapegoats for those who can’t fathom the woke-lash from voters.
Just wait until people get to the polls next year. If the events of the last 24 hours are any indication of what’s coming, Democrats are in for a shellacking.
It won’t be because Democrats couldn’t advance bills to expand the welfare state.
It will be because the party has threatened Americans’ individual rights through vaccine mandates, willfully left the southern border wide open, and attacked parents who don’t want their children indoctrinated in the left’s woke orthodoxy.
The only winners in the Democratic Party following Tuesday’s election are Manchin and Sinema, who right now look like outsiders unaffected by their party’s dysfunction.