Michigan state senate majority leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clarklake) is clearing Dominion voting systems of any wrongdoing in the 2020 presidential election, despite a recent forensic audit that may indicate otherwise.
Bridge Michigan reporter Jonathan Oosting made the announcement of Shirkey’s latest betrayal in a Twitter post:
Michigan Senate GOP Leader Mike Shirkey on legislative election inquiry: “Our investigation, which has been very intense, discovered none, none of the allegations and accusations against Dominion (are) true.”
— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) December 22, 2020
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Shirkey’s claim that Dominion did nothing wrong comes shortly after a forensic audit of Dominion computers in Antrim County, Mich. reportedly outlined many troubling irregularities. Dominion disputes the validity of the report.
Big League Politics reported last week that the Dominion audit in Antrim showed “inherent errors” in the systems designed “to create systemic fraud,” according to an analysis:
The release of a forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems software in Antrim County, Mich. has shown that it is “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
A Michigan judge ordered the release of the audit to the public on Monday after initially complying with the state’s request to seal the information. The findings are damning for fraud deniers who have tried to prevent an investigation into hundreds of credible allegations of irregularities on election day.
“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” the forensic report reads.
“The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity,” it continues.
The forensic audit was performed by Russell James Ramsland, Jr. of Allied Security Operations Group. The report notes that “because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.”
This is far from the first time that Shirkey has sold out Republicans in Michigan. He has constantly undermined the investigative process into voter fraud and spit in the faces of conservative whistleblowers who were beaten, threatened, harassed and bullied by Democrat riggers on election day:
State representative Gary Eisen (R-St. Clair) has been yanked from his committee assignments by Republican state house leadership after going public about the plan and saying that violence could come as a result of the fallout from Republican lawmakers doing the right thing.
“No. I don’t know. Because what we’re doing today is uncharted. It hasn’t been done. And it’s not me who’s doing it…it’s the Michigan Republican Party,” Eisen said about the possibility of violence in the Capitol.
Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clarkville) has shut down the Capitol, using COVID-19 and the potential of violence as an excuse. Eisen believes that this is abdicating the duty of the legislature and another example of extreme cowardice by Republican leadership.
“So they’re going to lock us out of our offices, they’re going to lock us out of the Capitol,” Eisen said.
“How convenient is that, when they’re going to sit electors today, so that we can’t support our options. Whether it was true or not, we don’t know,” he added.
Shirkey appears to be jeopardized along with countless other Republican officials who refuse to stand up against corruption when it matters the most. The swamp runs deeper than anyone could have imagined.