Two Michigan state senators have requested that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson conduct a “full audit” of the state’s 2020 election, citing a list of alleged improprieties.
State Senators Lana Theis and Tom Barrett handed the letter to Secretary Benson on Thursday.
They cite a list of concerns with the election process, including the alleged counting of ineligible ballots, the alleged duplicate counting of ballots,
INBOX: Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.
— Chris Pandolfo (@ChrisCPandolfo) November 12, 2020
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The legislators cite faulty software that initially caused thousands of Republican votes to be counted for Democrats in Michigan’s Antrim County. The result was supposedly rectified as the county’s clerk came forward, announcing that everything was okay and there was nothing to worry about.
“Every citizen deserves to have faith in the integrity of the election process and its outcome. It is our responsibility, as elected public servants, to assure the people of Michigan of the process’s integrity through complete transparency and the faithful investigation of any allegations of wrongdoing, fraud, or abuse.”
“As such, and due directly to these issues, we are requesting a full audit be conducted of the 2020 election general election prior to the certification of any results.”
Current election results have Biden leading in Michigan by approximately 140,000 votes. It would take a truly massive level of fraud for the results of the election to change as the result of an audit.