A Michigan circuit court judge is allowing Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to conceal the findings from the forensic audit of Dominion voting machines in Antrim County from the public.
Judge Kevin Elsenheimer made the ruling on Thursday to approve an intervention by Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office on Benson’s behalf. Benson contended that she has supervisory control over the Antrim clerk. Democrats in charge of the state are pushing to make sure that forensic imaging on 22 Dominion vote counting machines never sees the light of day.
“We’d like to know more about what was obtained, what the intent is for the use of the images obtained,” said Assistant Attorney General Heather Meingast, who apparently cares more about protecting Dominion’s trade secrets than safeguarding electoral integrity.
Elsenheimer, a former state representative and political appointee of ‘Never Trump’ former Republican Governor Rick Snyder, said that although he was complying with the request from state Democrats that he expects the process to move quickly.
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“I intend to move this matter quickly, aggressively,” Elsenheimer said.
Matthew DePerno, an attorney for Antrim County resident William Bailey, argued that Benson should not be allowed to intervene. He stated that she refrained from doing so earlier until it came time to possibly cover for Dominion then she snapped into action. DePerno also argued that there is no basis for her direct involvement in local elections.
“The court concluded there was no relief to be granted because elections are local and run by local officials,” he said.
The investigation is still underway, but DePerno believes that the findings will result in Antrim County decertifying their vote. This may be what Benson, Nessel and the Democrat gangsters want to prevent.
“We think there are serious issues, and we’re preparing right now a motion to seek relief from the court from the protective order,” DePerno said.
Big League Politics reported on how Dominion voting systems was brought into the state in 2017 with the assistance of a Democrat official who served as a “voter protection” director for the Michigan Democrat Party:
A former project manager for Dominion has been revealed as the Mayor of Lathrup Village, Mich., a small town right on the outskirts of Detroit.
Mayor Mykale “Kelly” Garrett is a veteran Democrat operative in the state of Michigan. New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax made the discovery in a Twitter post, noting that she has been earmarked by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee…
Garrett also attempted to get onto the county commission in Oakland County. She lost her Democrat primary race but her comments in a pre-election interview show how deep her ties in the Michigan Democrat Party truly are.
“I also want to learn more about Oakland County government,” Garrett said during an interview with the Oakland County Times – talking up the “inclusion and diversity” she has brought to her small town.
“If anyone knows me knows that I put Lathrup where it’s at right now,” she arrogantly boasted.
The interview started to get interesting when Garrett started talking up her “professional experience.” She could not help but flaunt her credentials.
“I was the deputy director for voter protection for the Michigan Democratic Party,” she explained.
From her words, it seems like she supports policies like the ones that turned the absentee voter counting board in Detroit into a third-world style free-for-all.
“I’m very passionate about everyone that can vote, who wants to vote, should be able to cast a ballot and that ballot count and that is something that I still, um, fight for,” she said.
Garrett also leads Mothering Justice, a nonprofit organization that agitates for socialism and wealth redistribution. She continued to brag in the interview about her deep ties in the Democrat Party of Michigan.
“I was the vice chair of the Oakland County Democratic Party, and I just recently stopped being the chair of the Southfield-Lathrup Democratic Party,” she said.
“Because of some of the volunteer positions that I have, I actually know people across the state. I have a very good relationship with our governor, with our secretary of state,” Garrett added.
She failed to mention her ties to Dominion in the interview. Wax noted that she helped broker a $25 million contract between Dominion and the state of Michigan while still serving as a vice chair for the Oakland County Democrat Party.
The vote steal by the Democrats is the most heinous crime in U.S. history, and if unavenged will mean the death of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.