Senators Trying to Hide Vote Process from Unaware Public
Republican State Senator Majority Leader Mike Shirkey is covering up a vote to allow a radical left appointee by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to sail through who will keep the state shut down.
Michigan State Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey
The so-called “Conservative” Michigan Senate about to hand another WIN to Leftist Governor Gretchen Whitmer!
When only seven days remain to stop appointment!
If the Republican Senate fails to vote on Elizabeth Hertel, she will be successfully confirmed into Whitmer’s cabinet. Hertel is controversial for uncritically parroting the COVID shutdown of Michigan before the Senate, even though the Michigan Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled against Whitmer. Hertel has also refused to explain the science behind the COVID shutdown, and also refused to say what benchmarks would need to be met in order to reopen the state. Hertel also happens to be married to current Democrat State Senator Curtis Hertel.
At least one conservative state Senator is calling on the Michigan Senate to reject Hertel.
Republicans have the power to stop this radical left Whitmer appointee, but act cowardly and impotent AS USUAL!
Republican leaders won’t even force a roll call vote on radical left Whitmer appointment.
Also contentious is the abrupt Jan. 22 resignation of Hertel’s predecessor, former Director Robert Gordon, who was paid $155,000 of what some are calling “hush money” to maintain his silence upon his resignation. His resignation came a mere 8 hours after he ordered the onerous COVID restaurant limitation throughout Michigan to be lifted from 25% to 50% of occupancy.
Behind the scenes are a small group of true-conservative Michigan Senators trying to force the roll call vote.
Activists are also demanding Republican Shirkey to hold a vote on Hertel. If there was a vote, it is expected that her nomination would fail. There is also tension within the Republican Party post-Trump, where Republican elites are trying to purge Trump supporters. These elites would rather lose than give power to conservatives. The establishment GOP wants the media to love them, never caring that the Republican base hates them.
Democrats call Republicans seditious traitors for a month, so then Republicans once again try to curry favor with Democrats and Media Democrats by doing whatever they want!
Also at work is the tension between outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and incoming Senate Majority Leader Aric Nesbitt, where Shirkey was generally more moderate and Nesbitt seen as generally more conservative and pro-Trump. Shirkey was given the opportunity to fight against voter fraud and repeatedly said that he saw no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election, despite the daily mounting evidence to the contrary.
The Republican Michigan Senate is so fractured because of the divisions between honest pro-Trump Republicans and the stealth NeverTrump factionalists, that Senators are hopeful this incident will cause moderate Mike Shirkey to lose leadership control.
According to Senate insiders, many liberal Republican Senators are afraid of a roll call vote on Hertel because they will feel pressure to oppose her, even though they are personally liberal and supportive of her. The liberal Republican Senators protecting left-wing Hertel include: Wayne Schmidt, Jim Stamas, Dale Zorn, and Curt VanderWall.
Under the Michigan Constitution, when the Governor makes an appointment the person nominated takes the position as of the appointment date. The State Senate may then reject that appointment if a vote is held within 60 session days. The Republican-controlled Michigan Senate has until March 23rd to reject Hertel, and if nothing is done, then the nomination is confirmed.
Shirkey was at one point considered a natural to run against Gretchen Whitmer for Governor in 2022, but his endorsement of Whitmer’s 45 cent gas tax, repeated mishandling of crises, disastrous performance in the 2020 voter fraud saga, has turned many Republican activists against him.