There have been new developments related to Lathrup Village, Mich. Mayor Mykale “Kelly” Garrett, a Democrat operative and Dominion employee who helped broker a $25 million crony deal to bring Dominion into Michigan.
New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax made the discovery that Mayor Garrett is closely related to Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett while digging around into Garrett’s connections, which she bragged about while doing an interview with the local press during a failed county commissioner race.
County clerks choose a voting system from 3 vendors. Kelly Garrett started at Dominion in May 2017. Her relative Cathy was Wayne County Clerk. When was the decision made? Was the conflict of interest disclosed since Kelly was repping for Dominion?
— Gavin Mario Wax 🇺🇸 (@GavinWax) November 17, 2020
Source for the 2018 Primary “glitches”:
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— Gavin Mario Wax 🇺🇸 (@GavinWax) November 17, 2020
Wax also pointed to the Garrett crime family and their dominance of corrupt Detroit-area politics. MIRS reports that state representative LaTanya Garrett of Detroit is cousins with Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett and is also related to Lathrup Mayor and former Dominion goon Mykale Garrett.
Additionally, MIRS lists Michigan American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees President Al Garrett and 36th District Court judge Ruth Ann Garrett as other members of this nascent Detroit political crime family.
Big League Politics reported yesterday on how Mayor Garrett served as a “voter protection” chief for the Democrat Party and was a county Democrat official when she helped to broker the deal bringing Dominion into the state:
A former project manager for Dominion has been revealed as the Mayor of Lathrup Village, Mich., a small town right on the outskirts of Detroit.
Mayor Mykale “Kelly” Garrett is a veteran Democrat operative in the state of Michigan…
Garrett also attempted to get onto the county commission in Oakland County. She lost her Democrat primary race but her comments in a pre-election interview show how deep her ties in the Michigan Democrat Party truly are.
“I also want to learn more about Oakland County government,” Garrett said during an interview with the Oakland County Times – talking up the “inclusion and diversity” she has brought to her small town.
“If anyone knows me knows that I put Lathrup where it’s at right now,” she arrogantly boasted.
The interview started to get interesting when Garrett started talking up her “professional experience.” She could not help but flaunt her credentials.
“I was the deputy director for voter protection for the Michigan Democratic Party,” she explained.
From her words, it seems like she supports policies like the ones that turned the absentee voter counting board in Detroit into a third-world style free-for-all.
“I’m very passionate about everyone that can vote, who wants to vote, should be able to cast a ballot and that ballot count and that is something that I still, um, fight for,” she said.
Garrett also leads Mothering Justice, a nonprofit organization that agitates for socialism and wealth redistribution. She continued to brag in the interview about her deep ties in the Democrat Party of Michigan.
“I was the vice chair of the Oakland County Democratic Party, and I just recently stopped being the chair of the Southfield-Lathrup Democratic Party,” she said.
“Because of some of the volunteer positions that I have, I actually know people across the state. I have a very good relationship with our governor, with our secretary of state,” Garrett added.
She failed to mention her ties to Dominion in the interview. Wax noted that she helped broker a $25 million contract between Dominion and the state of Michigan while still serving as a vice chair for the Oakland County Democrat Party.
It appears that a great deal of pre-planning went into all of the voter irregularities and so-called glitches that happened on election night. Big League Politics will continue to report on these collaborators and co-conspirators as the matter is taken up by the courts.