
MORE FOR SCOTUS: Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward Announces Case Now Submitted to SCOTUS

MORE FOR SCOTUS: Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward Announces Case
Now Submitted to SCOTUS 1

Arizona GOP Chair Dr Kelli Ward has announced they are taking their election integrity case to SCOTUS, and are hoping for an expedited hearing.

Dr Ward and the Arizona GOP discovered last week alleged evidence of voter fraud when they were allowed to examine a number of duplicated and adjudicated ballots. Arizona GOP lawyer Jack Wilenchik wrote in a court filing that one original ballot contained “was clearly a vote for Trump,” but the “duplicate ballot switched the vote to Biden,” while a second Trump vote was completely discarded, due to the duplicate ballot also including a “blank” vote for a write-in presidential candidate.

After further vote analysis, Ward announced on Friday that the Arizona GOP was taking their case to SCOTUS, noting that they would be only the third case this election to be accepted by the Supreme Court if they were. Ward argued that the case was necessary because they had not received “due process” during their investigation:

It’s unconstitutional for us not to have due process, which is time to be able to make a case, do discovery, and hold an entire hearing. The judge set unrealistic deadlines. He believed he had to have his case out of his hands by December 8th. Well, that only gave us three days to examine up to three million ballots, which we all know is impossible. And in Arizona, it’s interesting because for over 100 years, we’ve had to file an election contest the day after the election is certified. So that gives us only eight days to do the entire job that we need to do, and everyone knows that that’s not enough time to do the job in a case that is as important as choosing our next president. So this is going to go to the Supreme Court.

READ MORE: Arizona Senate GOP Cancels Election Integrity Hearing, Gives No Future Date or Explanation

Ward said that the Democrats, left, and the media, are fighting her and the Arizona GOP all the way on this:

The media loves to say, ‘Show us the evidence.’ We found evidence, but then, we didn’t have enough time to do more discovery because they’ve kept that evidence locked up. It’s smoke and mirrors and the people of Arizona see right through it. So do the people of America as a whole. Those Democrats don’t care about accountability, they don’t care about transparency, and they certainly don’t care about the integrity of this election.

National File reported Friday that 20 states now support or have signed onto the lawsuit submitted by Texas to SCOTUS, including Arizona, against the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, for Constituional violations, including illegally altering legislated election laws and treating voters unequally, which allowed numerous voting irregularities to take place as a result.

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