Election Fraud

More massive vote fraud laid out by WH spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany in the form of sworn affidavits Trump campaign has obtained

More massive vote fraud laid out by WH spokeswoman Kayleigh
McEnany in the form of sworn affidavits Trump campaign has
obtained 1

(Natural News) As of Friday, Arizona was called for Democrat Joe Biden while North Carolina voted to reelect President Donald Trump — but that doesn’t matter because the media have already proclaimed Biden “president-elect.”

So no matter what happens now in the remaining states, Trump is simply going to lose, right?

Not so fast. We’re about to find out whether we still have some semblance of the rule of law in America or if we have become the world’s best-armed banana republic.

A day earlier, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, who is a lawyer by the way, took to Twitter to lay out the president’s case that this election was stolen from him and in a big way.

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The campaign, as of this writing, has 234 pages of sworn affidavits from people who say they witnessed massive fraud in Wayne County, Mich., which is home to the Democratic-owned Detroit political machine.

In a series of tweets, McEnany asserted that eyewitnesses and voters:

— Saw a batch of ballots, 60 percent of which had the same signature;

— Watched a batch of ballots get scanned five times;

— Saw 50 ballots that were fed several times into a vote tally scanner;

— Said Jan. 1, 1900 was recorded a number of times in a poll book as a date of birth for many people who were not in the books so their ‘votes’ could be counted;

— Saw 35 ballots that were counted though they were not connected to any voting records;

— Saw ballots that were counted but did not have the required signatures or postmarks;

— Watched as poll workers made marks on ballots that did not have marks for candidates;

— Said a dead son was recorded as having voted twice;

— Saw provisional ballots (those that were not supposed to be counted yet until verified that they were legal) put in a tabulation box;

— Saw passengers drop off more ballots to polling stations than there were people in their vehicles;

— Saw ballots that were received after the Election Day deadline being postdated and counted;

— Witnessed failed voter tabulation software in Antrim County, Mich., being utilized in Wayne County;

— GOP poll watchers were ejected from ballot counting rooms and not readmitted though Democratic poll watchers were;

— GOP poll watches were physically pushed away from counting tables by election officials;

— Republican challengers were forced to remain away from counting areas but not Democrats;

— GOP challengers were subjected to racial harassment;

— Democratic ballot challengers handed out packets, “Tactics to Distract GOP Challengers”;

— Election officials covering windows so challengers were unable to observe counting;

— Election officials cheered when a Republican challenger was ejected from a tabulation room;

— Challengers were unable to observe ballot duplication processes.

In short, make no mistake there was systematic voter fraud being committed in Wayne County, according to the Trump campaign, and what’s more, it took place in plain view and without any fear of reprisal by authorities. (Related: GOP must move to defend Georgia Senate seats because if Dems flip them they will forever rule America.)

Talk about brazen. That can only happen if a political machine has thoroughly taken over all reins of power in a city or several city voting districts.

But this also tells us something else: President Trump’s message of ‘American workers first’ must have really resonated in a blue city where Democrats have ruled for decades, otherwise the party would not have pulled out all the stops and ensured a Biden victory with blatant cheating.

Now — what can the Trump campaign do about it? Nothing, save taking these cases to court and letting the judicial system handle it.

Will it change the outcome of the election? At this point, honestly, the odds are against it.

Which means the 73 million-plus Americans who had their choice of president stolen from them must now take on the left’s “resist” mantra along with their view of the past four years that Biden is “Not My President.”

Learn all about how Joe Biden and Democrats are planning to destroy America as founded at JoeBiden.news.

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Read the Full Article

Election Fraud
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