FAIRFAX, VA- The Virginia Parent Teacher Association (PTA) reportedly forced the resignation of Vice President of Training Michelle Leete after she gave a speech saying “Let them die,” referring to people against her leftist ideology.
“Let them die,” says @FairfaxNAACP leader Michelle Leete at protest before @fcpsnews board. Folks against critical race theory are here, with protestors including Leete opposing them. It’ll be 🧨 tonight. Watch at https://t.co/KuScNenTVQ pic.twitter.com/Csb5faEYKG
— Asra Q. Nomani (@AsraNomani) July 15, 2021
According to reports, Leete spoke to concerned parents and supporters of Critical Race Theory (CRT) prior to a Fairfax county public school board meeting at Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church, Virginia. Leete told supporters of CRT:
“So let’s meet and remain steadfast, steadfast, in speaking truth, tearing down double standards, and refuting double talk. Let’s not allow any double downing on lies.
Let’s prepare our children for a world they deserve.
Let’s deny this off-key band of people that are anti-education, anti-teacher, anti-equity, anti-history, anti-racial reckoning, anti-opportunities, anti-help people, anti-diversity, anti-platform, anti-science, anti-change agent, anti-social justice, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-LGBTQ+, anti- children, anti-environment, anti-admissions policy change, anti-inclusion, anti-live-and-let-live people.”
She added:
“Let them die. Don’t let these uncomfortable people, don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward.”
✍️🏽@FoxNews @DormanInDC: “The Fairfax Democratic Committee appears to have organized the controversial event where Michelle Leete said ‘let them die’ while its chair applauded that line, according to video of the event.” @FairfaxDems chair is @BryanGrahamVA https://t.co/RH08AjNhnO
— Asra Q. Nomani (@AsraNomani) July 19, 2021
The original event focused solely on CRT, but counter-protesters, including Leete, came to show their support for CRT. On Saturday, July 17th, the Virginia PTA released a statement via Twitter:
“Today, the Virginia PTA executive committee requested and received the resignation of Michelle Leete, who served as Vice President of Training. While speaking within her [Leete’s] role within Virginia PTA, we do not condone the choice of words used during a public event.”
The statement concluded by saying:
“As the commonwealth’s largest nonpartisan, volunteer child advocacy association, Virginia PTA upholds values of respect, collaboration, and accountability.”
The Virginia PTA added that the board members would undergo “sensitivity training to ensure we remain mindful of our community and the impact of the words we use.”
Statement on resignation of VP of Training pic.twitter.com/EZWPPUK6OH
— Virginia PTA (@VirginiaPTA) July 17, 2021
The very next day, Fairfax County NAACP released a statement in support for Leete, who is their first Vice President and claimed that the media created a “false narrative” about Leete. The statement said:
“We stand firmly by our 1st Vice President and her work in the past, present and future, and are extremely disappointed that her long track record of tireless work and dedication within the Fairfax County community has been so easily disregarded and devalued.”
The statement added:
“We must be diligent and stalwart against those who use falsehoods to silence our community leaders, sow discord, and deflect attention away from important conversations on how best to protect our students while building a healthy and inclusive learning environment.”
Leete also served as vice president of communications for the Fairfax County PTA, but on Monday, July 19th, the spot was listed as vacant on the website. The Fairfax County PTA has not yet published a statement about Leet’s comments.
Michelle Leete told Newsweek the message was not directly toward people against critical race theory but rather those ideals. https://t.co/xgOHyGmeKo
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) July 20, 2021
Leete reported told the Washington Post that her written speech originally included “Let them (ideals) die.” She explained that her statement referred to:
“The ideals that show a disregard and lack of support for our teachers who have a truly difficult job to do even without a pandemic.”
She added:
“I will certainly admit, it was ineloquently stated and with a pause for the applause, the timing was off.”
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Crenshaw: Troops were forced to wear IDs during ‘diversity training’ listing ‘race and social class’
July 4th, 2021
WASHINGTON, DC- Someone…anyone please explain how any of this builds unity, teamwork, mission, and esprit de corps.
Anyone? Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who lost an eye to an IED in Afghanistan, reported this week several instances where members of the military were coerced to classify themselves by race and socio-economic status during so-called diversity and inclusion training.
Apparently, we have been transported back to the 1950s.
Breitbart reported that according to Crenshaw, soldiers at Fort Bliss in Texas were forced to wear identification badges which listed their race, ethnicity, social class and other demographics during a training class.
Crenshaw slammed the training, saying the badges put labels and characteristics on the soldiers which have “nothing to do with their service or their training or the content of their character.” He continued:
“Most soldiers do not believe they are the sum of identity groups and its absurd that our military is instructing people to view themselves and others that way.
In the SEAL teams, our bond is forged in large part by our common history, our ethos and our trial by fire training. We never asked each other for our social class or other identity groups, because that would be ridiculous.
“The only thing that should be on a soldier’s uniform is their name, their rank, and most importantly, the American flag. Yes, we are all individuals and we’re all different.
The military requires us to put aside those differences and focus on one mission as one team, not highlight differences; this type of woke training doesn’t help strengthen a unit and weakens it severely and it must stop.”
Crenshaw revealed the Fort Bliss instance on his Instagram account. He was notified of the incident by a whistleblower:
Breitbart News reached out to Fort Bliss last Friday however did not receive a response.
Last month, Crenshaw and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), also a veteran set up a whistleblower page for service members who wanted to report cases where critical race theory and woke training are being pushed in the military.
Since setting up the sit, the two lawmakers have received some 400 credible submissions. Rep. Crenshaw will be highlighting some of these submissions on his Instagram page.
Aside from the Fort Bliss training, Crenshaw also reported on a Defense Department training at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida, where service members were required to “experience and share a significant emotional event” whereby they then had to admit their “racism” and their “privilege.”
Crenshaw said:
“According to the report, this was explicitly targeted toward white students and particularly white males. It was an assumption in that class that white people were racist and white males were racist and sexist. This assumes that you possess these character flaws, and you are forced to confront your privilege and bias, again in front of your fellow classmates.”
He continued:
“This places a huge amount of pressure to say something that you don’t believe at all. Did you have the audacity to claim that you’re not a racist, not a privileged bigot, well the instructor could rail you according to this report and instructor is judging you, and if they don’t like what you have to say, or don’t think it’s sincere, you risk damage to your career.
“This isn’t only insane, it’s actually a type of compelled speech, and certainly raises free speech concerns. And this training is clearly shaped by critical race theory in the sense that it’s designed to force participants to believe that any of their behaviors is just a product of their inherent racism and the dynamics of power associated with that.”
Yet another video on his Instagram talks about an incident at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia, where a squadron was forced to do a “privilege walk.” Airmen were told, “If you are white take a step forward. If you are a male take a step forward. And so on through every possible point of privilege one might have, according to their intersectional hierarchy.”
Crenshaw said, “So let’s just point out the obvious. This is meant to shame people and shame people for something they have no control over. It also literally creates manufactured divisions in an environment that requires comradery and puts down certain service members over others, not on merit, but on skin color or gender,” he said.
“We cannot let the armed forces become some sort of massive social justice experiment—which is clearly what some want,” Crenshaw said. “We’re going to keep exposing this because there are too many senior officers in the military that are pushing for this.”
If one didn’t know better, it is almost like they are doing this on purpose—to what ends nobody knows.
Aside from US Navy officers and cadets at West Point being “suggested” to read critical race theory indoctrination manuals such as “White Fragility” by Robin D’Angelo and “How to be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi, Crenshaw said special operators at the U.S. Special Operations Command are being “encouraged” to read a book from 1989 called “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.”
“The military is still the strongest in the world, but woekism, identity politics, critical race theory, and blatant political activism have indeed seeped into this critical institution.”
Meanwhile, China and Russia are building up their military and laughing at this politically correct BS from afar.
Law Enforcement Today has been watching the woke direction the military is going in for the past few months. For our prior reporting, we invite you to:
This editorial is brought to you by a staff writer for Law Enforcement Today.
When the leader of a nation undermines that nation’s military, the result will almost undoubtedly be weakening of the armed forces, whose purpose is of course to defend that country from internal and external threats.
President Joe Biden appears to be putting the United States on that path.
Many will remember, not too fondly, Biden’s jab at the military when he was visiting Al Dhafra Air Base in 2016 and referred to those present as “stupid bastards” and a “dull bunch.”
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden called American servicemembers “stupid bastards.”pic.twitter.com/MDitn5JbcY
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 30, 2020
Campaign staffers naturally passed these words off as a joke, but often spontaneous, off-the-cuff remarks can be quite a revealing insight into the attitudes and priorities of a person.
Case in point: the Biden administration’s modest increase in defense spending in the fiscal 2022 budget. $715 billion is earmarked for the Defense Department, which represents a 1.5 percent increase over the current fiscal year.
This figure falls short of an anticipated need to adjust for inflation with a 3 to 5 percent increase in defense spending. In fact, according to Defense News, the $715 billion figure is “flat when adjusted for inflation.”
In another overt effort to undermine the armed forces, Biden’s administration has declared a purge in the military, to be overseen by radical leftist Bishop Garrison, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Diversity and Inclusion.
Action in this vein began on February 5, 2021, when Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin called for a 60-day stand down to combat “extremism” (read: patriotism, conservatism, and support for Trump) in the military.
When that 60 days passed, Austin issued a memo detailing further action, which included plans to update questionnaires on “current or previous extremist behavior,” adjustments to training and education, social media screening, and an updated list of “prohibited extremist activities.”
Austin named Garrison as point man for the efforts, thus placing an anti-Trump proponent of critical race theory in charge of gutting the military of supposed “extremists” – and potentially removing those who hold the Constitution dear.
The effects of such a purge have already played out in the case of Space Force Commander Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who was removed from his post after he went on a podcast to discuss his self-published book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.
In the podcast, according to Military.com, Lohmeier discussed various U.S. institutions, such as colleges and the military, that he thinks are “increasingly adopting leftist practices.”
He also asserted that:
“these practices — such as diversity and inclusion training — are the systemic cause for the divisive climate across America today.”
Lohmeier also criticized a pamphlet he received at the time of Austin’s stand down order, a missive which referred to the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 as “an example of extremism,” but did not discuss the destructive riots in the wake of the death of George Floyd.
With regards to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, he said:
“I don’t demonize the man, but I want to make it clear to both him and every service member this [diversity and inclusion] agenda, it will divide us, it will not unify us.”
All that was enough to blackball Lohmeier, who was relieved of his post earlier this month.
A Space Force spokesperson said in an email:
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast.”
The email continued:
“Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
So yes, speaking against Marxism in the military and standing against a leftist agenda can and will put members of the military firmly in the cross-hairs of those who would seek to purge the military of those patriots that the woke consider ‘extremists.’
If it is dismaying to the reader that the current administration’s actions toward the military appear to put combat readiness, military preparedness, and patriotic values on the back burner in favor of ‘wokeism,’ it will come as quite a blow that one branch of the military itself seems to have gone all-in with the woke mentality and social justice rhetoric.
The U.S. Army has produced a series of five two-minute recruiting videos entitled “The Calling.” These videos describe, in cartoon form (yes, you read that correctly; they are cartoons), the life stories of five individuals who joined the Army to follow their “calling.”
How will you answer the #call?
Visit @goarmy for the new animated series, “The Calling,” tales of five different stories from five different #Soldiers and discover their inspiring lives that led to service in the uniform. #WarriorsWanted | #goarmy pic.twitter.com/OKEkffjOwm
— U.S. Army (@USArmy) May 15, 2021
One such cartoon that has especially come under scrutiny is the video story of U.S. Army Corporal Emma Malonelord, which at present has received 609 “likes” and 27,000 “dislikes” on the GoArmy official YouTube channel. Perhaps not surprisingly, comments are disabled.
Malonelord narrates her story, which began “in California, with a little girl, raised by two moms.”
She describes her young years as “a typical childhood,” playing violin and dancing ballet, but adds, to cartoon footage of a Pride parade:
“I also marched for equality. I like to think I’ve been defending freedom from an early age.”
Malonelord goes on to describe how one of her mothers was paralyzed in an accident, but was able to recover and walk down the aisle to marry Malonelord’s other mother.
She then discusses her college life at UC Davis, where she realized:
“I began feeling like I’d been handed so much in life.
“A sorority girl stereotype.
“Sure, I’d spent my life around inspiring women, but what had I really achieved on my own?”
She adds:
“I needed my own adventures, my own challenge, and after meeting with an army recruiter, I found it.
“A way to prove my inner strength and maybe shatter some stereotypes along the way.”
The video’s audience has taken to the Twitterverse to voice objections to the messaging in the video, with one user writing:
“Army releases recruitment advertisement featuring lesbian wedding – Our new “woke” military would be a joke if it didn’t compromise our readiness and national security.”
Army releases recruitment advertisement featuring lesbian wedding – Our new “woke” military would be a joke if it didn’t compromise our readiness and national security https://t.co/QZCIe3UdOE
— Lois Levine Fishman (@FishmanLevine) May 13, 2021
Another user, an Army veteran according to his profile, wrote:
“@USArmy… Warriors fight and win wars. Going woke is going to get Soldiers killed. You should choose another profession…
“The Army posts their own super woke recruitment ad that features a lesbian wedding.”
@USArmy 😂🤣😜🤡😂🤣😜🤡 Warriors fight and win wars. Going woke is going to get Soldiers killed. You should choose another profession…The Army posts their own super woke recruitment ad that features a lesbian wedding https://t.co/mLbAwWg34d
— Michael Johnston (@skiyryder) May 13, 2021
Other users pointed out the stark differences between the Army’s touchy-feely cartoons and the show of strength exhibited in recruitment videos from the likes of Russia and China.
One such video from Russia, which can be viewed in the embedded tweet below, embraces a show of power and, yes, aggression, while it features a muscular recruit undergoing rigorous training and battle exercises.
This is a Russian Army recruitment ad. Compare it with the new American Army commercial.
None of this fills me with any optimism regarding the #West‘s future. https://t.co/Cf86lyITND— Koskovics Zoltán (@KoskovicsZ) May 13, 2021
A recruitment video from China is even more in-your-face, featuring normalization of the reality of leaving loved ones behind, shows of precision and discipline, and documentation of explosive battle scenes.
A side by side comparison of China, Russia, and the US Army recruitment videos can be seen in the embedded video below.
This is not to say that all of the U.S. military, or at least those in charge of publicity, are putting ‘wokeness’ ahead of preparedness and a muscular show of offensive and defensive capability. At least not yet.
But the Biden administration, through its stranglehold on DOD funding and its full-speed-ahead efforts to remove Constitution-loving patriots who have the audacity to speak out against Marxism and other ‘woke’ policies, seems to be favoring and nurturing a military that is more concerned about pandering to social justice issues than it is about defending this great nation.
Cartoon depictions emphasizing social issues, rather than more traditional combat preparedness and shows of strength, can only serve to bolster Biden’s apparent attempts to continue to undermine our military’s capabilities.
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