Nancy Pelosi Flip Flops on Seating Members After State-Certified Election

Nancy Pelosi Flip Flops on Seating Members After
State-Certified Election 1

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is caught flip-flopping on trying to overturn Iowa’s state-certified election after previously saying, “we seat them” when elected.

Pelosi is trying to use her power as Speaker to overturn a state-certified election. As reported by Breitbart News, the House Administration Committee, chaired by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), is working on a partisan push to overturn Iowa’s state-certified Second Congressional District election.

Democrat Rita Hart, who lost the election to now sitting Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), claims there are still 22 legal ballots to be counted after the election was certified.

Pelosi recently spoke about her efforts to overturn the Iowa election and unseat Miller-Meeks. “If I wanted to be unfair, I wouldn’t have seated the Republican from Iowa because that was my right on the opening day. I would have just said, you’re not seated, and that would have been my right as Speaker to do,” she said.

In 2017, when speaking to a group of reporters, Pelosi said, “In our House, when someone gets elected, we seat them. We enfranchise their voters. Republican or Democratic.” As she also emphasized, “We don’t say we have to wait for the paperwork. We hear the will of the people.”

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