Nationwide, Non-Partisan ‘Verify the Election’ Petition Demands Full Audit of 2020 Election Results

Nationwide, Non-Partisan ‘Verify the Election’ Petition
Demands Full Audit of 2020 Election Results 1

A nationwide, non-partisan petition is going viral online, demanding a full and fair audit of the 2020 Presidential Election amidst allegations of massive Democrat voter fraud schemes.

The petition, backed by the Salem Radio Network, can be found at alongside a long list of demands.

“We demand a fair election,” the petition’s headline reads. “Count every legal 2020 vote.”

“We the people demand transparency and an accurate count of our votes in order to ensure the American election process is free and fair.


  • Audit/Canvas our 2020 votes so they are all legal and valid
  • Audit, investigate and prosecute suspect, duplicate and fraudulent ballots
  • Investigate computer software “glitches” and remedy “clerical” errors
  • Demand the rules of the game stay consistent for each election cycle.

Only after a thorough examination and report of findings will We the People be able to move forward with confidence in our elected officials.”

As has been widely reported in media and vocalized by tens of millions of American voters and even President Trump himself, the 2020 election cycle has been fraught with chaos, confusion, and suspected fraud as Democrat-dominated governments in several battleground states have hijacked the COVID-19 pandemic for the purpose of quickly and illegally changing and creating election laws.

Statistical irregularities and “impossibilities” have been identified in various states, notably in hotly-contested Wisconsin, where after a pause in Election Night vote counting, a ballot dump of hundreds of thousands of Biden-Harris votes caused President Trump’s lead to suddenly evaporate in the state. Additionally, a Wisconsin software “glitch” has been reported to have stolen 19,000 votes from President Trump, redistributing them to Joe Biden.

In Pennsylvania and Michigan, election workers have kicked Republican observers out of vote counting facilities and even boarded up windows to block the view of the count as coolers full of ballots were carted into the facilities.

“Glitches” in election software have also been reported in Michigan, where a full 1/3 of votes cast in Antrim County were stolen from President Trump and handed to Joe Biden. The software responsible for the massive vote reversals was also used by election officials in more than 30 other states!

Voters and whistleblowers in Arizona and Georgia have also reported major irregularities in the way the counting of votes and the election itself were conducted and lawyers are already declaring Georgia’s election recount to be a “farce.” In a tight Virginia congressional race, 15,000 mail-in ballots were miraculously “discovered” on a flash drive in the middle of the night, giving the Democrat incumbent just enough votes to surpass her opponent and win re-election.

In addition to the launch of the “Verify The Election” petition, voters nationwide have taken to the streets to demand audits, recounts, and high court intervention in the vote-counting process. Saturday afternoon, an untold number of voters will descend on Washington, D.C., taking part in parallel rallies meant to support President Trump and demand a fair election process. Officials expect tens to hundreds of thousands to turn out in support of the effort.

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