NUTS. Zuckerberg Brags About Interfering in Election and Cracking Down on Dreaded Q-Anon So They Could Not Organize Violence — But BLM-Antifa Violence is Approved

NUTS. Zuckerberg Brags About Interfering in Election and
Cracking Down on Dreaded Q-Anon So They Could Not Organize Violence
— But BLM-Antifa Violence is Approved 1

Welcome to your future where powerful leftists with social media companies can censor you, promote conspiracies and interfere with elections.

Mark Zuckerberg released a video bragging about how Facebook shut down unapproved content and threatening voices who questioned the impossible ballot ratios and illegal tactics used by Democrats in this year’s presidential election.

Facebook along with Twitter shut down conservative content before and after the election.

Only approved corporate media opinions and pro-Biden sentiments are allowed on these corrupt social media platforms.

At least three Gateway Pundit contributors have had their accounts locked down for several hours at a time since the election.

TRENDING: WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

Zuckerberg also warned about Q-Anon’s “organized violence?”

Can ANYONE name ONE instance of organized violence by Q-Anon?

Now do the same for Black Lives Matter!

We are living in a pretend world created by unhinged leftists.

Read the Full Article

Trump victory: Pennsylvania court rules state election officials had NO authority to change balloting rules
Michigan court rejects appeal for 'independent audit' of ballots over allegations of voter fraud

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